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Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories. Please contact sales for specifics.

  • Advantest R3561L

    Advantest R3561L - 50 MHz to 2 GHz Tracking Generator
    Clearance Price $95.00 was $595.00

    Advantest R4131A

    Advantest R4131A 3.5 GHz Spectrum Analyzer
    Clearance Price $495.00 was $1895.00

    Agilent / HP 35677A

    Agilent HP 35677A - 50 Ohm S-Parameter Test Set. 100 kHz to 200 MHz.
    Clearance Price $249.00 was $895.00

    Agilent / HP 37778A

    Agilent HP 37778A - Sonet / SDH Analyzer for OC-48, STM-16. 1310nM TX, 1310/1550nM RX
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $995.00

    Agilent / HP 438A

    Agilent HP 438A Dual Channel Power Meter, sensor & cables sold separately
    Clearance Price $165.00 was $395.00

    Agilent / HP 4947A

    Agilent HP 4947A 50 Hz - 5 kHz VF Transmission Impairment Measuring Set
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $995.00

    Agilent / HP 54120B

    Agilent HP 54120B - Oscilloscope Mainframe
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $895.00

    Agilent / HP 8146A

    Agilent HP 8146A OTDR with 81465SH S.M. dual wavelength optics + option 001,002,003.
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $1195.00

    Agilent / HP 8782A

    Agilent HP 8782A 1 - 250 MHz Vector Signal Generator
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $595.00

    Agilent / HP 8782B

    Agilent HP 8782B 1 MHz to 250 MHz synthesized vector signal generator
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $1195.00

    Ando AQ-1338

    Ando AQ1338 LD Stabllized Light Source
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $295.00

    Anritsu ME3620A

    Anritsu ME3620A OC-48 STM-16 Receiver (Sonet = SDH). Includes ME0315B 2.5 G Optical Receiver and ME0314B Error Detector. Also tests 622M, 156M, 52M data rates.
    Clearance Price $149.00 was $995.00

    Anritsu ME3620A

    Anritsu ME3620A OC-48 STM-16 Transmitter (Sonet / SDH). Includes ME0305B1 1300 nM Optical Sender and ME0304B Pattern Generator, and ME0302B clock generator. Also generates 622M, 156M, 52M data rates.
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $995.00

    Anritsu ME446B

    Anritsu ME446B (MG442A Level Generator and ML424B Level Meter) Transmission Measuring Set. 10 Hz to 20 MHz.
    Clearance Price $95.00 was $1495.00

    Anritsu MF91A / MH932A

    Antrisu MF91A / MH932A - Optical wavelength meter. Measures wavelength and level of optical signals in the range of 1.0 - 1.6 uM.
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $795.00

    Anritsu ML9001A

    Anritsu ML9001A Optical Power Meter, Sensor sold separately.
    Clearance Price $119.00 was $349.00

    Anritsu MP1220A

    Anritsu MP1220A - ATM Quality Analyzer with MU120010A T1/T3, MU120012A E1/E3, and MU120020A QoS interface modules
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $1495.00

    Anritsu MP1520B

    Anritsu MP-1520B - PDH Analyzer
    Clearance Price $139.00 was $595.00

    Anritsu MP1550A

    Anritsu MP1550A - PDH / SDH Analyzer. STM-1 data rate. Electrical only.
    Clearance Price $165.00 was $995.00

    Anritsu MP1552A

    Anritsu MP1552A SDH/PDH Analyzer w/ MP0113A, MP0121A & MP0122A Modules with Option 01
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $1495.00

    Anritsu MP1555B

    Anritsu MP1555B - Sonet / ATM Analyzer Mainframe Only.
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $595.00

    Anritsu MP1555B

    Anritsu MP1555B - Sonet / ATM Analyzer with MP0105A CMI unit and MP0122A. Electrical testing from 1.5 to 155 mB/S
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $2495.00

    Anritsu MP1570A

    Anritsu MP1570A 10G / OC-192 Sonet Analyzer. North American Version. Tests 10G (1.55), 2.5G, 156 / 622M (1.31/1.55), 1.5/45/52M.
    Clearance Price $995.00 was $4995.00

    Anritsu MP1570A

    Anritsu MP1570A sdhsonet - Telecommunication Analyzer. 1.5M to 2.5G OC48 Sonet Version.
    Clearance Price $249.00 was $1495.00

    Anritsu MP1570A

    Anritsu MP1570A sdhsonet - Telecommunication Analyzer. SDH + Sonet Version. Tests all rates 1.5M to 622M
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $1895.00

    Anritsu MP1656A

    Anritsu MP1656A - Portable OC-48 Analyzer with 1550nM Optics.
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $1795.00

    Anritsu MP1656A

    Anritsu MP1656A - Portable OC-48 Analyzer with 1550nM Optics.
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $1495.00

    Anritsu MS2612B

    Anritsu MS2612B Spectrum Analyzer. 100 Hz to 4.6 GHz. 30 Hz min RBW.
    Clearance Price $895.00 was $1995.00

    Anritsu MS9020D w/ MSO909A

    Anritsu MS9020D Optical Loss Test Set with MSO909A source. 1310 / 1550 nM.
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $795.00

    Anritsu MW9070B

    Anritsu MW9070B OTDR with MW0972B optics. 1310 / 1550 nM Singlemode. Includes optional floppy drive, transit case, keyboard and more.
    Clearance Price $395.00 was $2495.00

    Anritsu S113B

    Anritsu S113B SiteMaster, 5 MHz to 1.2 GHz Antenna, Cable, and Spectrum Analyzer
    Clearance Price $595.00 was $2195.00

    Anritsu S120A

    Anritsu Sitemaster S-120A Cable and Antenna Analyzer 600 - 1200 MHz with 2 port insertion loss / gain measurement.
    Clearance Price $435.00 was $995.00

    Anritsu S251A

    Anritsu SiteMaster S251A / 05 / 10 Transmission Line Antenna Analyzer. 625 MHz to 2500 MHz
    Clearance Price $365.00 was $2195.00

    Anritsu S331

    Anritsu S331 - Sitemaster Cable/Antenna Analyzer 25-3300MHz
    Clearance Price $395.00 was $1750.00

    Avcom MFC-6000

    Avcom MFC-6000 - Mirowave Frequency Converter. Adds 5400-6400 MHz frequency band to compatible PSA-65 Series Spectrum Analyzers
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $450.00

    Avcom PSA-35A

    Avcom PSA-35A Portable Spectrum Analyzer. 10-1750 MHz 3.7-4.2 GHz
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $1295.00

    Boonton 4220A

    Boonton 4220A RF Power Meter. Sensors sold separately.
    Clearance Price $235.00 was $895.00

    Chroma 63472

    Chroma 63472 - High Slew Rate Load Control and Measurement Unit. with GPIB
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $995.00

    DLS TestWorks NSA-400

    DLS TestWorks Consultronics / Spirent NSA400 ADSL Noise Impairment Generator
    Clearance Price $150.00 was $995.00

    DLS TestWorks NSA-400J

    DLS TestWorks Consultronics / Spirent NSA400J DLS-5102 Japanese version ADSL Noise Impairment Generator
    Clearance Price $150.00 was $995.00

    Dranetz / BMI 8800

    Dranetz / BMI 8800 PowerScope®: Simultaneously monitors voltage, current and environment for all three-phase power disturbances
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $1195.00


    E-TEK FPCR-1B programmable polarization controller driver
    Clearance Price $115.00 was $450.00

    EMI SCR20-250

    EMI SCR 20-250 - DC Power Supply 0 - 20V, 0 - 250A
    Clearance Price $169.00 was $995.00

    EMI SCR20-40

    EMI SCR 20-40 DC Power Supply 0 - 20V, 0 - 40A
    Clearance Price $95.00 was $435.00

    EMI SCR7.5-60

    EMI SCR 7.5-60 DC Power Supply 0 - 7.5V, 0 - 60A
    Clearance Price $115.00 was $395.00

    EXFO IQ-206

    EXFO IQ206 Six Slot Expansion Unit for IQ-200 System
    Clearance Price $95.00 was $295.00

    EXFO IQ-2600

    EXFO IQ-2600-89 -Tunable Laser Source. 1520 to 1570nM with .01nM Resolution
    Clearance Price $249.00 was $1495.00

    EXFO IQ-9100-01-04-B-70-LP

    EXFO IQ-9104 IQ-9100-01-04-B-70-LP Optical Switch Module. 1x4, 9/125um, FC PC
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $295.00

    EXFO IQ-9100-1-04-B-EI

    EXFO IQ-9104 Optical Switch Module. 1x4, 9/125um, FC PC
    Clearance Price $79.00 was $295.00

    Fluke RPM1000

    Fluke Reliable Power Meters 1000 RPM 1000, does not include computer or current clamps
    Clearance Price $265.00 was $995.00

    Gigatronics 8542B

    Dual Channel RF Power Meter.
    Clearance Price $149.00 was $495.00

    GN Nettest TD-1000A/HR

    GN Nettest TD1000A HR Fiber Wizard OTDR, Singlemode 1310/1550nm, Range up to 164km. Includes power meter and VFL.
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $895.00

    GN Nettest TD-1000XA/HR

    GN Nettest TD1000XA HR Fiber Wizard OTDR, Singlemode 1310/1550nm, Extended Range up to 164km
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $895.00

    HP / Agilent 11713A

    Agilent HP 11713A - Attenuator / Switch Driver. Drive cable available - contact sales.
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $495.00

    HP / Agilent 11713A

    Agilent HP 11713A - Attenuator / Switch Driver - Cables sold separately.
    Clearance Price $150.00 was $265.00

    HP / Agilent 16518A

    Agilent HP 16518A 16 Channel, 4 GHz High Speed State and Timing Module Expansion Card
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $395.00

    HP / Agilent 16522A

    Agilent HP 16522A -T200 M Vector/Sec Pattern Generator Module for 16700A, 16702A.
    Clearance Price $65.00 was $195.00

    HP / Agilent 16555A

    Agilent HP 16555A 68 Channel Logic Analyzer Module, 500 MHz Timing / 110 MHz state
    Clearance Price $59.00 was $249.00

    HP / Agilent 16556D

    Agilent HP 16556D - 68 Channel 400MHz Timing/100MHz State Logic Analyzer Module for 16700A, 16702A
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $695.00

    HP / Agilent 1660E

    Aglient HP 1660E 136 Channel Logic Analyzer. 100 MHz State, 500 MHz Timing
    Clearance Price $249.00 was $2295.00

    HP / Agilent 16700A

    Agilent HP 16700A Logic Analyzer Mainframe.
    Clearance Price $89.00 was $295.00

    HP / Agilent 16717A

    Agilent HP 16717A -Timing and State Module for 16700A, 16702A. 333 MHz State/ 2000 MHz Timing. 68 Channels
    Clearance Price $39.00 was $135.00

    HP / Agilent 37717C

    Agilent HP 37717C - OmiBer 717C 120/UH1 STS-1/STM-0e and STS-3/STM-1e electrical and STM-1 Optical testing
    Clearance Price $235.00 was $995.00

    HP / Agilent 54620C

    Agilent HP 54620C - Logic Analyzer 16 Channel, 500 MSa/s, Color Display
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $695.00

    HP / Agilent 54622A

    Agilent HP 54622A - Two Channel 100MHz mixed signal Oscilloscope with MegaZoom and high def display.
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $895.00

    HP / Agilent 54622D

    Agilent HP 54622D 100 MHz Mixed Signal 2-Channel Oscilloscope / 16-Channel Logic Analyzer
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $650.00

    HP / Agilent 6459A

    Agilent HP 6459A 0 - 64V, 0 - 50A 3200W DC Power Supply. Requires 3 phase 208V AC power. Includes opt 006 internal overvoltage protection crowbar.
    Clearance Price $249.00 was $1200.00

    HP / Agilent 89610S

    Agilent HP 89610A 89610 Dual Channel Baseband Vector Signal Analyzer
    Clearance Price $495.00 was $11995.00

    HP / Agilent E5515B

    Agilent Keysight E5515B opt 002 8960 Series 10 Wireless Communications Test Set with optional 2nd RF source, E1968A application.
    Clearance Price $295.00 was $1795.00

    HP / Agilent E7333A

    Agilent E7333A E7333-60000 DOCSIS Protocol Analyzer
    Clearance Price Call for price was $995.00

    HP / Agilent E7495A

    Agilent HP E7495A - 2.7 GHz Wireless Base Station Test Set with 6 options.
    Clearance Price $365.00 was $795.00

    HP / Agilent E7495B

    Agilent HP E7495B - 2.7 GHz Wireless Base Station Test Set with opt 200, 210, 220, 600, 700.
    Clearance Price $495.00 was $895.00

    HP / Agilent E7495B

    Agilent HP E7495B - 2.7 GHz Wireless Base Station Test Set with opt 200, 210, 220, 510, 600, 700.
    Clearance Price $395.00 was $995.00

    HP / Agilent N1680A

    Agilent HP N1680A - OC-48/STM-16 SONET/SDH Test Module for N1610A / N1610B
    Clearance Price $95.00 was $1295.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800C/315HB

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800C Precision Fiber Optic Source 1531.90 nM 79800C
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $465.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800C/315HB

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800C Precision Fiber Optic Source 1538.98nM 79800C
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $465.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800C/315HB

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800C Precision Fiber Optic Source 1554.94nM 79800C
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $465.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800C/315HB

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800C Precision Fiber Optic Source 1538.19nM 79800C
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $465.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800C/315HB

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800C Precision Fiber Optic Source 1542.14nM 79800C
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $465.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800C/315HB

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800C Precision Fiber Optic Source 1536.61 nM 79800C
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $465.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800C/315HB

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800C Precision Fiber Optic Source 1540.56nM 79800C
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $465.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800C/315HB

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800C Precision Fiber Optic Source 1558.17nM 79800C
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $465.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800C/315HB

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800C Precision Fiber Optic Source 1535.82 nM 79800C
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $465.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800C/315HB

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800C Precision Fiber Optic Source 1539.77nM 79800C
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $465.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800C/315HB

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800C Precision Fiber Optic Source 1556.55nM 79800C
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $465.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800D/315C1

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800D Precision Fiber Optic Source 1532.68 nM 79800D
    Clearance Price Call for price was $495.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800D/315C1

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800D Precision Fiber Optic Source 1540.56 nM 79800D
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $495.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800D/315C1

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800D Precision Fiber Optic Source 1531.90 nM 79800D
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $495.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800D/315C1

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800D Precision Fiber Optic Source 1538.19 nM 79800D
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $495.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800D/315C1

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800D Precision Fiber Optic Source 1559.79 nM 79800D
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $495.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800D/315C1

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800D Precision Fiber Optic Source 1531.12 nM 79800D
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $495.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800D/315C1

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800D Precision Fiber Optic Source 1537.40 nM 79800D
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $495.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800D/315C1

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800D Precision Fiber Optic Source 1535.82 nM 79800D
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $495.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79800D/315C1

    ILX Lightwave FOS79800D Precision Fiber Optic Source 1554.94 nM 79800D
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $495.00

    ILX Lightwave FOS-79880

    ILX Lightwave FOS79880 - Tunable ECL Fiber Optic Source 1530 - 1580 nM
    Clearance Price $495.00 was $1295.00

    JDSU / Acterna LAN Checker 100

    JDSU / WWG LAN Checker 100 LMK-2 (kit includes two LANChecker 100's) Handheld Ethernet Analyzer
    Clearance Price $169.00 was $995.00

    Kepco SN488-121

    Kepco SN 488-121 Digital to Analog Converter add GPIB voltage programming to many Kepco Power Supplies
    Clearance Price $95.00 was $295.00

    Lambda LB724-FM0V-41257

    Lambda LB-724-FMOV DC Power Supply 0-60V, 0-80A
    Clearance Price Call for price was $495.00

    Laser Precision FF-1200A

    Laser Precision / GN Nettest FF-1200A FF1200A - Singlemode Dual Wavelength 1310 / 1550 nM OTDR with power meter.
    Clearance Price $249.00 was $795.00

    Lecroy 9112

    LeCroy 9112 Dual channel arbitrary function generator. High resolution .01-6.25 MHz, 50 Mword/sec.
    Clearance Price $95.00 was $495.00