Viavi Acterna JDSU HST3000 with Ethernet SIM configured for Electrical Ethernet testing up to 1GigE with IPV6 option and more. Includes color display. One Gigabit Ethernet (copper only).
Acterna Viavi JDSU HST3000 Handheld Services Tester configured for Gigabit Ethernet testing with SIM, color display, copper base, and more options. GigE Optical.
AEMC Digital / Analog Megohmeter. Up to 5100 Volts and 10 Tohms. Rechargeable Battery & PC Interface Software Included. (Catalog # 2130.21) Megohmmeter
Agilent HP 37778A - Sonet / SDH Analyzer for OC-48, STM-16. 1310nM TX, 1310/1550nM RX "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories. Please contact sales for specifics."