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Generators > Noise (47 products)

  • Agilent / HP 3708A

    Agilent HP 3708A - Noise and Interference Test Set

    Agilent / HP 3708A

    Agilent HP 3708A Noise and Interference Test Set with Option 01 - 50 ohm impedance

    Agilent / Keysight 346A

    Agilent HP Keysight 346A - Noise Source 10 MHz to 18 GHZ. Option 002 APC-7 connector

    Agilent / Keysight 346A

    Agilent HP Keysight 346A - Noise Source 10 MHz to 18 GHZ. 3.5 mm connector

    Agilent / Keysight 346B

    Agilent HP Keysight 346B - Noise Source 10 MHz to 18 GHZ. 3.5 mm connector

    Agilent / Keysight 346B / 001

    Agilent HP Keysight 346B - Noise Source 10 MHz to 18 GHZ. Type N connector

    Agilent / Keysight 346C

    Agilent HP Keysight 346C - Noise Source, 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz, nominal ENR 15 dB. 3.5mm(m) connector

    Agilent / Keysight 346CK01

    Agilent HP Keysight 346C-K01 - 1GHz to 50GHz Noise Source

    Analogic / Data Precision 2020

    Analogic / Data Precision - 2020-25 Waveform Synthesizer. 12 bit, 25 MSa/S. DC-6.25 MHz

    dBm CNG-1-26/18

    dBm -1-26/180 Single Channel Carrier to Noise Generator. 26 - 180 MHz for Satcom / Cable applications

    DLS TestWorks NSA-400 for sale Clearance Priced!

    DLS TestWorks NSA-400

    DLS TestWorks Consultronics / Spirent NSA400 ADSL Noise Impairment Generator
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $150.00 was $995.00

    DLS TestWorks NSA-400J for sale Clearance Priced!

    DLS TestWorks NSA-400J

    DLS TestWorks Consultronics / Spirent NSA400J DLS-5102 Japanese version ADSL Noise Impairment Generator
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $150.00 was $995.00

    General Radio 1383

    General Radio 1383 20 Hz - 20 MHz Random Noise Generator

    HP / Agilent 70420A

    Agilent HP 70420A - Broadband Phase Noise Test Set

    HP / Agilent N4000A

    Agilent HP N4000A SNS Noise Source 10 MHz to 18 GHz nominal ENR 6 db

    Micronetics CNG7750

    Micronetics CNG-7750 70 MHz Eb/No Test Set C/N Generator

    Micronetics NOD 5110 for sale Clearance Priced!

    Micronetics NOD 5110

    Micronetics NOD 5110, 300 MHz - 1GHz Noise Generator NOD5110
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $795.00

    Micronetics NOD 5200 for sale Clearance Priced!

    Micronetics NOD 5200

    Micronetics NOD5200 - 100 Hz to 1 GHz Broadband Noise Instruments NOD 5200
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $249.00 was $995.00

    Micronetics NOD 5200

    Micronetics NOD5200 - 100 Hz to 1 GHz Broadband Noise Generator. 75 Ohm with two decade atteunator option.

    Micronetics NOD5108

    Micronetics NOD 5108 - noise generator. 100 Hz to 300 MHz.

    Micronetics PNG5200 for sale Clearance Priced!

    Micronetics PNG5200

    Micronetics PNG5200 - 5 MHz to 1 GHz Programmable Noise Generator.
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $995.00

    Noisecom NC 6108

    Noisecom NC6108 Opt 02 100 Hz - 500 MHz, 10 MW Noise Generator

    Noisecom NC 6109

    Noisecom NC6109, NC-6109: 100 Hz - 1000 MHz, 10 MW Noise Generator

    Noisecom NC 6110

    Noisecom NC6110 Opt 02 100 Hz - 1500 MHz, 10 MW Noise Generator with 110 dB step attenuator.

    Noisecom NC 8111

    Noisecom NC8111 Noise Generator. 5 MHz to 1 GHz. 1 Watt output with 0-10dB attenuator in 1dB steps. Option 07 Type N output connector.

    Noisecom NC 8111

    Noisecom NC8111 Noise Generator. 5 MHz to 1 GHz. 1 Watt output with 0-10dB attenuator in 1dB steps.

    Noisecom NC346B

    Noise Com NC346 Broadband Noise Source .010 - 18 GHz

    Noisecom NC346KA

    Noise Com NC346KA Broadband Noise Source 0.10 - 40 GHz

    Noisecom NC6218

    Noisecom NC6218 - Noise Generator 2-18 GHz with Attenuator and Signal Combiner with Options 02 & 04

    Noisecom NC8105

    Noisecom NC8105 Noise Generator. 500 Hz to 10 MHz with combiner and 0-110dB attenuator in 1dB steps.

    Noisecom UFX BER-8

    Noisecom UFX BER-8 - Precision C/N generator. Carrier freq is 8 MHz.

    Noisecom UFX PNG-7110

    Noisecom UFX-7110 Programmable White Gausian noise generator. 100 Hz to 1.5 GHz. with Opt 02, 06, 07

    Noisecom UFX-7102

    Noisecom UFX7102 - Programmable White Gausian noise generator. 10 Hz to 100 KHz. with Opt 02 & 03

    Noisecom UFX-7107

    Noisecom UFX7107 - Programmable White Gausian noise generator. 100 Hz to 100 MHz. with Opt 07 & 03

    Noisecom UFX-7107

    Noisecom UFX7107 - Programmable White Gausian noise generator. 100 Hz to 100 MHz.

    Noisecom UFX-7109

    Noisecom UFX7109 - Programmable White Gausian noise generator. 100 Hz to 1 GHz.

    Noisecom UFX-7110

    Noisecom UFX7110 Programmable White Gausian noise generator. 100 Hz to 1.5 GHz. with Opt 02, 03 & 06

    Noisecom UFX-7112

    Noisecom UFX7112 - Programmable White Gausian noise generator. 1 MHz to 2 GHz.

    Noisecom UFX-7905

    Noisecom UFX7905 - Programmable White Gausian noise generator. 500 Hz to 10 MHz. 1 Watt output.

    Noisecom UFX-7911

    Noisecom UFX7911 White Gaussian Noise Generator. 5 MHz to 1 GHz. -128 to +30 dBm output. with Opts 01, 03 & 08

    Noisecom UFX-BER 1850/2442

    Noisecom UFX-BER 1850/2442 - Precision Carrier Noise Generator, 1850 MHz w/ 393 MHz Noise B.W., 2442 MHz w/ 192 MHz Noise B.W.

    Noisecom UFX-BER1200

    Noisecom UFX-BER1200 - Precision Carrier Noise Generator, 1320 MHz with 431 MHz B.W., 1080 MHz with 341 MHz B.W.

    Noisecom UFX-BER2600

    Noisecom UFX-BER2600 - Precision Carrier Noise Generator, 2600 MHz Opt 01,03,06

    Noisecom UFX99CA

    Noisecom UFX99CA - Programmable noise generator for CATV and data over cable (Docsis).

    Rohde & Schwarz SUF 2

    Rohde & Schwarz SUF2 SUF 2 20 Hz to 50 MHz Noise Generator

    W&G RS-25

    W&G RS-25 White noise genertor. 6 KHz to 25 MHz. Includes bandstop filters at 16, 394, 770, 16400 KHz, and a band limiting filter at 12 - 804 KHz.

    Wavetek 395

    Wavetek 395 100 MHz Arbitrary Function Generator with option 01 GPIB