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EMC & Compliance (114 products)

  • Aaronia 60105

    Aaronia 60105 1 MHz to 9.4 GHz handheld spectrum analyzer with 60100 antenna (680MHz to 10 GHz).

    Agilent / Keysight E7403A

    HP Agilent E7403A EMC Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 6.7 GHz. Includes1DS, 1DR, A4H, AYQ.

    Agilent / Keysight E7405A

    HP Agilent E7405A EMC Spectrum Analyzer, 100 Hz to 26.5 GHz. Includes1D5, UKB, AYX.

    Agilent / Keysight N9010A

    Agilent Keysight N9010A 10 Hz to 3.6 GHz EXA series Signal Analyzer Spectrum Analyzer with EMC option

    Agilent / Keysight N9020A

    Agilent Keysight N9020A 10 Hz to 3.6 GHz MXA series Signal Analyzer Spectrum Analyzer loaded with options including EMC Precompliance, Enhanced Phase Noise.

    Agilent / Keysight N9039A

    Agilent Keysight N9039A RF Preselector. 9 kHz to 1 GHz for CISPR 16-1-1 Compliance

    Amplifier Research FM5004

    Amplifer Research ETS Lindgren FM5004 Field Monitor for E-Field or H-Field Probes.

    Anritsu 2000-1812-R

    Anritsu model 2000-1812-R directional yagi antenna. 450-512 MHz.

    Associated Research 620L

    Associated Research 620L Line Leakage Tester. Up to 40A. Includes Opt 03 HV/HC Interconnect. Interface options available on request.

    Associated Research 620L

    Associated Research 620L Line Leakage Tester. Up to 40A. Interface options available on request.

    Associated Research 620L

    Associated Research 620L Line Leakage Tester. Up to 40A. Includes Opt 02 Functional Run and 03 HV/HC Interconnect. Interface options available on request.

    Associated Research Omnia 8104

    Associated Research Omnia 8104 Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer. AC and DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance, and Ground Bond / Continuity. Interface options available on request.

    Associated Research Omnia 8105

    Associated Research Omnia 8105 Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer. AC and DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance, Ground Bond/ Continuity, and Functional Run Test

    Associated Research Omnia 8106

    Associated Research Omnia 8106 Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer. AC and DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance, Ground Bond/ Continuity, Functional Run and Line Leakage Test

    Associated Research Omnia 8204

    Associated Research Omnia 8204 Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer. AC and DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance, and Ground Bond / Continuity. Includes Internal Scanner option.

    Associated Research Omnia 8204

    Associated Research Omnia 8204 Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer. AC and DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance, and Ground Bond / Continuity.

    Associated Research Omnia 8206

    Associated Research Omnia II 8206 Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer. AC and DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance, Ground Bond/ Continuity, Functional Run and Line Leakage Test

    Associated Research Omnia 8207

    Associated Research Omnia II 8207 Electrical Safety Compliance Analyzer. AC and DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance, Ground Bond/ Continuity, Functional Run and Line Leakage Test. Includes built-in AC power source.

    California Instrument FCS18

    California Instruments FCS18-1M-HV3 AC Power Supply. 18 kVA Single Phase out with Manual Controller and High Voltage option. 45-1200 Hz, 0-312VAC. 480V Three Phase Input power required.

    California Instrument FCS18

    California Instruments FCS18-3HGA-4756 AC Power Supply. 18 kVA 3 Phase with HGA Controller for waveform, harmonic, and transient generation.

    California Instrument option 413

    California Instruments option 413 for iX series and MX Series AC Power Sources. IEC61000-4-13 Harmonics and Interharmonics test firmware and hardware

    Carnel Labs NM-17/27B

    Carnel Labs NM-17/27B EMI Receiver Field Intensity Meter with CCC-17/27B. 9 kHz to 32 MHz.

    Carnel Labs NM-67B

    Carnel Labs NM-67B EMI Receiver Field Intensity Meter with CCC-67B. 1 GHz to 18 GHz.

    Com-Power Corp CG-520

    Com-Power CG-520 Comb Generator. 20 MHz step. Includes Antennas. Wideband 20 - 4500 MHz.

    Com-Power Corp PS-400

    Com-Power PS-400 Near Field Probe Set

    Eaton / Ailtech NM-17/27A

    Eaton / Ailtech NM-17/27A EMI Receiver Field Intensity Meter 9 kHz to 32 MHz.

    Eaton / Ailtech NM-37/57A

    Eaton / Ailtech NM-37/57A EMI Receiver Field Intensity Meter 30 MHz to 1 GHz.

    Eaton / Ailtech NM-67

    Eaton / Ailtech NM-67 EMI Receiver Field Intensity Meter 1-18 GHz.

    Eaton 91550-1

    Eaton ETS Lindgren 91550-1 extremely broad frequency range current probe covering 10 kHz to 100 MHz.

    Eaton 91550-1L

    Eaton ETS Lindgren 91550-1L extremely broad frequency range current probe covering 20 Hz to 100 MHz.

    Eaton 94111-2

    Eaton ETS Lindgren 94111-2 extremely broad frequency rang eclamp-on current probe covering 1 MHz to 1000 MHz.

    Electro-Metrics EM-6950

    Electro-Metrics - EM6950 Log Periodic Antenna / 200MHz to 1GHz. Similar to EMCO 3146

    Electro-Metrics MFC25/30

    Electro-Metrics MFC25/30 loop probe antenna. 10kHz-230MHz designed to search for RF magnetic leaks

    Emco 3115

    EMCO 3115 Double-Ridge Waveguide Horn Antenna

    Emco 3825/2

    Emco 3825/2 Line Impedance Stabilization Network.

    Emco 3850/2

    Emco ETS Lindgren 3850-2 Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN)

    ENI 1140LA

    ENI 1140LA RF Power Amplifier. 9-250 kHz. 55 dB gain. EIN, E&I 1140LA Electronic Navigation Industries. Max power at least 1100W / frequency dependent.

    Extech 480846

    Extech 480846 8GHz RF Electromagnetic Field Strength Meter.

    Fischer Custom Communications FCC-LISN-50-25-2-01

    Fisher Custom Communications FCC-LISN-50-25-2-01 Line Impedance Stabilization Network.

    Fischer Custom Communications FCC-LISN-50/250-25-2

    Fisher Custom Communications FCC-LISN-50/250-25-2 Line Impedance Stabilization Network.

    HP / Agilent 11909A

    Agilent 11909A Preamplifer. Part of 11945A option E51 kit. Sonoma Instrument 310N.

    HP / Agilent 11945A

    Agilent HP 11945A - 9 kHz to 1 GHz Close-Field Probe Set includes 11940A and 11941A.

    HP / Agilent 8546A

    Agilent HP 8546A EMI Compliance Receiver. 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz.

    HP / Agilent 8591EM

    Agilent HP 8591EM EMC Spectrum Analyzer. 9 KHz to 1.8 GHz

    HP / Agilent 8593EM

    Agilent HP 8593EM EMC Spectrum Analyzer. 9 KHz to 22 GHz

    KeyTek MZ-15

    KeyTek MZ15 Minizap ESD Simulator. +/- 15 kV (10 kV in contact mode).

    KeyTek MZ-15/EC

    KeyTek MZ15/EC Minizap ESD Simulator. +/- 15 kV (10 kV in contact mode). Missing TPA-1 and TPA-2 as pictured.

    KeyTek MZ-15/EC

    KeyTek MZ15/EC Minizap ESD Simulator. +/- 15 kV (10 kV in contact mode).

    KeyTek MZ-15/EC

    KeyTek MZ15/EC Minizap ESD Simulator. +/- 15 kV (10 kV in contact mode). Missing TPA-2 as pictured.

    Noiseken ESS-2000

    Noiseken ESS2000 Electrostatic Discharge Simulator, 30 kV, Includes TC-815R with 150pF Discharge Network and conical tip.

    Noiseken ESS-6002

    Noiseken ESS6002 Electrostatic Discharge Simulator. Output range 10V-2kV (1V/Step). Includes Model 01-00054A HBM probe, and 01-00055A MM Probe. Probe stand sold separately.

    Noiseken ESS200AX

    Noiseken ESS 200AX Electrostatic Discharge Simulator, 30 kV, Includes "150pF C Unit & 330 ohm R unit" Discharge Network

    Pearson 101

    Pearson 101 Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer .01V /A, 0.25 Hz - 4 MHz

    Pearson 1025

    Pearson 1025 Wideband Current Transformer, .025 V/A, 160 Hz to 4 MHz

    Pearson 110

    Pearson 110 Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer .1V / A 1Hz -20 MHz

    Pearson 110A

    Pearson 110A Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer 1Hz -20 MHz

    Pearson 1423

    Pearson 1423 Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer 0.001 Volt/Ampere. 1Hz - 0.7 MHz. 2500A max RMS

    Pearson 150

    Pearson 150 Wideband current transformer. 15A RMS MAX current. 40 Hz to 20 MHz. .5V/A

    Pearson 2100

    Pearson 2100 Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer 1V / A , 125 Hz -20 MHz

    Pearson 2577

    Pearson 2577 Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer 1V/A. 30A RMS Maximum

    Pearson 2877

    Pearson 2877 Wide-Band Current Monitor. 300Hz to 200MHz. 2.5A Max RMS Current. IV/A

    Pearson 2878

    Pearson 2878 Wide-Band Current Monitor. 30Hz to 70MHz. 10A Max RMS Current. 0.1 V/A

    Pearson 301

    Pearson 301 Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer 0.01 Volt/Ampere. 5Hz - 2 MHz. 400A max RMS

    Pearson 3025

    Pearson 3025Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer .025V / A. 7Hz -4 MHz. 325A max RMS

    Pearson 310

    Pearson 310 Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer 0.1 Volt/Ampere. 40 Hz - 10 MHz. 140A max RMS, 5000A Peak.

    Pearson 3100

    Pearson 3100 Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer 1 Volt/Ampere. 40 Hz - 7 MHz. 12A max RMS, 500A Peak.

    Pearson 3525

    Pearson 3525 Wideband Clamp-On Current Transformer, .1 V/A, 5 Hz to 15 MHz

    Pearson 410

    Pearson 410 Wideband Current Monitor. 25kA peak current, 100A RMS maximum. .5Hz to 20 MHz.

    Pearson 410

    Pearson 410 Wideband Current Monitor. 25kA peak current, 100A RMS maximum. .5Hz to 20 MHz.

    Pearson 4100

    Pearson 4100 Wideband Current Monitor. 1V / A. 500A peak current, 5A RMS maximum. 140 Hz to 35 MHz

    Pearson 411

    Pearson 411 Wideband Current Monitor. 5kA peak current, 50A RMS maximum. 1Hz to 20 MHz

    Pearson 411C

    Pearson 411C Clamp Type Current Transformer. 0.1V/A .25Hz to 20 MHz.

    Pearson 4418

    Pearson 4418 Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer .001V / A .7Hz -2 MHz. 400A max RMS

    Pearson 4997

    Pearson 4997 Wideband Current Transformer / Pulse Transformer .01V / A 0.5Hz -15 MHz. 150A max RMS

    Pearson 5723

    Pearson 5723 Wideband Clamp-On Current Transformer, .01 V/A, 10 Hz to 15 MHz. 150A RMS continuous maximum. Wideband Current Monitor / Pulse Current Monitor.

    Pearson 6164

    Pearson 6164 Wideband Current Monitor. 0.05 V/A. 40 Hz to 20 MHz.

    Pearson 6165

    Pearson 6165 Wideband Current Monitor. 0.1 V/A. 120 Hz to 20 MHz.

    Pearson 6298

    Pearson 6298 Wide-Band Current Monitor. 1.0 V/A

    Pearson 6595

    Pearson 6595 Wideband Current Monitor. .5V/A. 100 Hz to 150 MHz.

    Pearson 7332

    Pearson 7332 Wideband Current Transformer, 0.2 V/A, 23A max RMS. 40 Hz to 20 MHz

    Pearson 8181

    Pearson 8181 Wideband Current Monitor. 500A peak current, 5A RMS maximum. 125 Hz to 20 MHz

    Pearson 8601

    Pearson 8601 Wideband Clamp-On Current Transformer, 1.0 V/A, 600 Hz to 30 MHz. 15A Max RMS current. Compare to model 4688.

    Pearson A10

    Pearson A10 10:1 50 Ohm attenuator.

    Pearson A2

    Pearson A2 2:1 50 Ohm attenuator.

    QuadTech Guardian 6000 Plus

    Quadtech Chroma Guardian 6000+ AC/DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance,Ground Bond, Open/Short Check. 6 kV / 20 mA DC, 5 kV / 40 mA AC.

    QuadTech Guardian 6100 Plus

    Quadtech Chroma Guardian 6100+ Medical Safety Analyzer. AC/DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance,Ground Bond, Open/Short Check. Functional Run, Line Leakage.

    Rohde & Schwarz ENV4200

    R&S Rohde & Schwarz ENV 4200 200 A FOUR-LINE V-NETWORK. Artificial Mains Network LISN.1107.2387.04 150 kHz to 30 MHz.

    Rohde & Schwarz ESCI

    R&S® ESCI / ESCI3 EMI test receiver for EMC certification measurements in the frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz. Includes opt B20 expanded environmental specifications. 1166.5950.03

    Rohde & Schwarz ESIB26 / ESI26

    Rohde & Schwarz ESI-26 / ESIB-26 / 1088.7490.26 - 20 Hz to 26.5 GHz. EMI Test Receiver with Opt. B4,B5,B10,B12 - Low Phase Noise, FFT, Tracking Gen with Attenuator.

    Rohde & Schwarz ESIB40 / ESI40

    Rohde & Schwarz ESI-40 / ESIB-40 - 20 Hz to 40 GHz. EMI Test Receiver with Opt. B4,B5, - Low Phase Noise, and FFT.

    Rohde & Schwarz ESIB7 / ESI7

    Rohde & Schwarz ESI-7 / ESIB-7 / 1088.7490.07 EMI Test Receiver with Opt. B4 - Low Phase Noise and Opt. B5 FFT Bandwidths 1Hz - 1Khz

    Schaffner / Teseq CDN 126

    Teseq Schaffner CDN126 Capacitive coupling clamp for IEC1000-4-4 testing in conformance with IEC 1000-4-4 (corresponding to IEC 801-4). Accessory product for NSG2025

    Schaffner 402-579

    Schaffner 402-579 Optional Preselector Counter Power Supply for NSG432. Not Sold Seperately.

    Schaffner 402-743

    Schaffner 402-743 Optional plug-in network for NSG432. Positive output, 25 kV max. 250 pF, 1.5 kOhm network.

    Schaffner 402-891

    Schaffner 402-891 Optional plug-in network for NSG432. Negative output, 25 kV max. 250 pF, 1.5 kOhm network.

    Schaffner NSG431

    Schaffner NSG-431 Electrostatic Discharge Simulator

    Schaffner NSG432

    Schaffner NSG432 402-645 25 KV Static Discharge Simulator with Negative Polarity 330 ohm 150 pF Network.

    Schaffner NSG432

    Schaffner NSG432 25KV Static Discharge Simulator with Positive Polarity 330 ohm 150 pF Network.

    Schaffner NSG432

    Schaffner NSG432 25KV Static Discharge Simulator with + and - Polarity 330 ohm 150 pF Networks.

    Schaffner NSG435 for sale Reduced!

    Schaffner NSG435

    Schaffner Teseq NSG 435 ESD Simulator. 200 V to 16.5 kV