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Agilent / Keysight E7405A

HP Agilent E7405A EMC Spectrum Analyzer, 100 Hz to 26.5 GHz. Includes1D5, UKB, AYX.
  • Agilent / Keysight E7405A for sale
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$8795.00 In Stock! 

Model: Agilent / Keysight E7405A     Condition: Reconditioned

Includes Options:

  • UKB:  100 Hz Start Frequency
  • 1D5:  High Stability timebase
  • AYX:  Fast Time Domain Sweep

Key Features & Specifications


  • 1 Hz to 5 MHz (including 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, 1 MHz EMI BW)
  • +12.5 dBm TOI
  • ≤ 150 dBm displayed average noise level (DANL)
  • Optional (UKB) for lower frequency of 100 Hz


  • Log sweep
  • Built-in preamplifier
  • Optional tracking generator
  • Options included standard are: A4H, AYQ, B72, 060, 1DR, 1DS


  • Compatible with E7415A EMI Software
  • Compatible with BenchLink Web Remote Software


Early evaluation of your design's EMI performance is essential for a successful product. The E7405A EMC standard analyzer provides the capabilities you need in an analyzer to make in-house EMI precompliance testing a reality.

The EMC standard analyzer offers you the best value with more productivity options built-in, and guarantees the fast delivery.

Radiated emissions

When combined with a broadband antenna, the E7405A provides the capabilities to check for radiated emissions coming from your DUT. This is best done in an area that is free from reflective objects such as an open area or EMI chamber.

Conducted emissions

Test for noise or interference placed on power or data lines by coupling the E7405A instrument to the power or data line through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN) device or absorbing clamp.

Diagnostics and problem isolation
Please contact our sales department for more information.
Item Description
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Agilent / Keysight E7405A

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