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Video (62 products)

  • HP / Agilent 8591C

    Agilent HP 8591C - Cable TV Analyzer / Spectrum Analyzer with Opt 041, 107, 130.

    HP / Agilent 8591C

    Agilent HP 8591C - Cable TV Analyzer / Spectrum Analyzer with option 107 (TV Receiver and Time Gate) and 119 (Noise Figure Card)

    HP / Agilent 8591C

    Agilent HP 8591C - Cable TV Analyzer / Spectrum Analyzer with option 041 GPIB & Parallel I/O

    HP / Agilent 8591C

    Agilent HP 8591C - Cable TV Analyzer / Spectrum Analyzer with option 107 (TV Receiver and Time Gate)

    HP / Agilent 8591C

    Agilent HP 8591C - Cable TV Analyzer / Spectrum Analyzer with Opt 011, 107, 041. Includes Tracking Generator.

    HP / Agilent 8591C

    Agilent HP 8591C - Cable TV Analyzer / Spectrum Analyzer with Opt 011, 107, 130.

    HP / Agilent 8591C

    Agilent HP 8591C - Cable TV Analyzer / Spectrum Analyzer with option 107 (TV Receiver and Time Gate)

    HP / Agilent E7333A for sale Clearance Priced!

    HP / Agilent E7333A

    Agilent E7333A E7333-60000 DOCSIS Protocol Analyzer
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price Call for price was $995.00

    JDSU / Viavi ONX-620

    JDSU Viavi ONX-620 OneExpert CATV Signal Analysis Meter. DOCSIS 3.1. ONX-CATV-D31-4285-1012B TSX Dual Diplexer 42/85 MHz Dual Diplexers. Nine Software options.

    Leader 408NPS

    Leader 408NPS NTSC/PAL/SECAM Pattern Generator

    Lecroy Quantumdata 980

    Teledyne Lecroy Quantumdata 980 Gen 3 HDMI Protocol Analyzer

    Rohde & Schwarz DVQ for sale Reduced!

    Rohde & Schwarz DVQ

    Rohde & Schwarz DVQ Digital Video Quality Analyzer 2079.6003.03

    Rohde & Schwarz DVRG for sale Reduced!

    Rohde & Schwarz DVRG

    Rohde & Schwarz DVRG Digital Video Recorder Generator with option DVRG-B2, B4, B5. 2083.1302K02

    Rohde & Schwarz DVSG

    Rohde & Schwarz DVSG Digital Video Signal Generator with option DVSG-B30 AV Signal Player. 2113.0008.02

    Rohde & Schwarz EFA.23 for sale Reduced!

    Rohde & Schwarz EFA.23

    Rohde & Schwarz EFA.23 TV Test Receiver.

    Rohde & Schwarz ETL

    Rohde & Schwarz ETL TV Analyzer 500 kHz to 3 GHz. Includes 12 options. Tracking Generator, Spectrum Analyzer, 50 + 75 Ohm inputs.

    Sencore CR7000

    Sencore CR7000 - Beam-Rite Universal CRT Analyzer & Rejuvenator

    Sencore SL750A

    Sencore SL750A - Channelizer TV RF Signal Analyzer with VM45 Monitor

    Sunrise Telecom Hukk CR1200R-1

    Sunrise Telecom Hukk CR 1200R-1 Digital Signal Analyzer. QAM Digital and Return Path Testing

    Tektronix 1411

    Tektronix 1411 - Video generator includes SPG12A, TSG11, TSP11, TSG13, TSG15 - PAL sync, color bars, switcher, linearity, and pulse bar.

    Tektronix 1730 for sale Clearance Priced!

    Tektronix 1730

    Tektronix 1730 NTSC Waveform Monitor.
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $95.00 was $595.00

    Tektronix 1740

    Tektronix 1740 - NTSC Waveform/Vector Monitor

    Tektronix 1740A for sale Reduced!

    Tektronix 1740A

    Tektronix 1740A NTSC analog video waveform/vector monitor

    Tektronix 1750 for sale Clearance Priced!

    Tektronix 1750

    Tektronix 1750 - Waveform / Vector Scope Monitor
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $89.00 was $495.00

    Tektronix 1765

    Tektronix 1765 - Component Waveform Vector Monitor. NTSC / PAL

    Tektronix 1780R

    Tektronix 1780R NTSC Video Measurement Set

    Tektronix 1781R for sale Reduced!

    Tektronix 1781R

    Tektronix 1781R - PAL Video Measurement Set

    Tektronix 1910 for sale Clearance Priced!

    Tektronix 1910

    Tektronix 1910 - NTSC Digital Test Signal Generator & Inserter
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $79.00 was $395.00

    Tektronix 2714

    Tektronix 2714 - 9 KHz to 1.8 GHz Cable TV Spectrum Analyzer w/ 75 ohm input. Performs 17 automatic CATV measurements. RBW 300 Hz to 5 MHz.

    Tektronix ASG100

    Tektronix ASG100 Two Channel Audio Signal Generator ASG 100

    Tektronix MTG200 for sale Reduced!

    Tektronix MTG200

    Tektronix MTG200 MPEG Test Generator. Rohde & Schwarz MTG 200

    Tektronix MTS400 for sale Clearance Priced!

    Tektronix MTS400

    Tektronix MTS 400 MPEG Test System includes (CR)TSCA real time analyzer, (SE)DVB/ATSC TS Editor and (SP)Player options
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $395.00 was $11995.00

    Tektronix MTX100 for sale Reduced!

    Tektronix MTX100

    Tektronix MTX100 MPEG Recorder and Player with SMPTE310M/ASI interface (Option 06)

    Tektronix TG2000

    Tektronix TG2000 multiformat video generator with DVG1 Digital Video Generator, AVG1 Analog Video Generator, GP1 GPIB Interface.

    Tektronix TG2000

    Tektronix TG2000 multiformat video generator with AVG1 Analog Video Generator.

    Tektronix TSG-100

    Tektronix TSG100 NTSC Television Generator

    Tektronix TSG170A

    Tektronix TSG170A - Analog NTSC Television Generator with Option 01

    Tektronix TSG170D for sale Reduced!

    Tektronix TSG170D

    Tektronix TSG170D - Digital Composite NTSC Generator

    Tektronix TSG90

    Tektronix TSG 90 Pathfinder NTSC Signal Generator.

    Tektronix TSG95

    Tektronix TSG95 - PAL / NTSC Signal Generator

    Tektronix TV 1350 for sale Clearance Priced!

    Tektronix TV 1350

    Tektronix (aka R&S - Rohde & Schwarz ) TV1350 Television Demodulator with Standard B/G and IEEE488. P/N 1074.3745.83
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $195.00 was $495.00

    Tektronix TV 1350 for sale Clearance Priced!

    Tektronix TV 1350

    Tektronix (aka R&S - Rohde & Schwarz ) TV1350 (-M-01) Television Demodulator with Standard M and IEEE488. P/N 1074.3500.53
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $190.00 was $490.00

    Tektronix VM100

    Tektronix VM100 NTSC Video Measurement Set

    Tektronix VM101 for sale Reduced!

    Tektronix VM101

    Tektronix VM101 PAL Video Measurement Set

    Tektronix VM5000 for sale Reduced!

    Tektronix VM5000

    Tektronix VM 5000 1 GHz, 5 GS/s, four channel Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope with Opt 3M, VM, HD, SD. Compare to TDS5104B Includes features for video measurements in addition to standard oscilloscope functionality.

    Tektronix VM5000HD

    Tektronix VM 5000 HD Video Measurement Set with Opt 2M, DVD, VM, HD, SD. 1 GHz bandwidth Digital Storage Oscilloscope. Compare to DPO7104.

    Tektronix VM700A

    Tektronix VM700A - NTSC / PAL Video Measurement Set with Options 01, 11, 40, 42, & 48.

    Tektronix VM700A

    Tektronix VM700A - NTSC Video Measurement Set with Options 01, 30, 40 & 48.

    Tektronix VM700A

    Tektronix VM700A - NTSC Video Measurement Set with Option 01 & 40.

    Tektronix VM700A

    Tektronix VM700A - NTSC Video Measurement Set with Options 01, 41 & 48.

    Tektronix VM700A

    Tektronix VM700A - NTSC Video Measurement Set with Options 01, 40 & 48.

    Tektronix VM700A

    Tektronix VM700A - Video Measurement Set. NTSC / PAL Dual Standard Measurements ( Opt 01 & 11) Plus GPIB (Opt 48)

    Tektronix VM700T

    Tektronix VM700T - NTSC / PAL Video Measurement Set with Options 01, 11 & 48.

    Tektronix WFM5250

    Tektronix WFM 5250 Compact Waveform Monitor with 3G, Aud, Data, Loud options. SDI / HDMI Waveform Monitor, 2 SDI inputs and 2 HDMI inputs.

    Tektronix WFM601M

    Tektronix WFM601M Serial Video Component Monitor.

    Tektronix WFM90

    Tektronix WFM90 WFM/VCP/Picture /Audio Handheld Scope. WFM 90

    Trilithic VF-4-XX

    Trilithic VF4 Portable Tunable Filter Preselector 55 to 880 MHz

    Trilithic VF-5

    Trilithic VF-5 VF5 RF Preselector / Filter. 55-880 MHz. 75 Ohm type F connectors.

    Wavetek 1067

    Wavetek 1067 CATV Sweep Generator. Generates CW or sweep from DC to 500 MHz. Output level +55 to -5 dBmV. 75 ohm output.

    Wavetek 1865

    Wavetek 1865 CATV Sweep Analyzer

    Wavetek CLM-1000

    Wavetek CLM-1000 Cable Leakage Meter

    Wavetek SAMIIID for sale Clearance Priced!

    Wavetek SAMIIID

    Wavetek SAMIIID, Signal Level Meter, 4-450 MHz, 60 Standard Channels, RS-232
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $95.00 was $495.00