The Agilent OC-48/STM-16 SONET/SDH Test Module for the Service Advisor Tablet and Telecom Toolkit enables users to quickly and easily test, today's latest high-speed SONET and SDH services and network elements.
The N1680A features 2488 Mbps single mode 1310nm and 1550nm LR optical interfaces for testing at OC-48 SONET or STM-16 SDH rates with user interchangeable connectors.
Provides clear channel BER testing at STS-48c SONET or VC-4-16c SDH rates using standard PRBS, fixed and user programmable patterns. Planned future payload rates at
STS-12c/AU4-4c, STS-3c/AU4, STS-1/AU3.
To meet the timing synchronization needs of networks, the OC-48/STM-16 SONET/SDH Test module can be configured to synchronize to the loopback receiver signal or to the internal clock source or to an external T1-BITS or E1-MTS timing source.
The OC-48/STM-16 SONET/SDH module features extensive status, alarm and error monitoring; alarm generation; and error injection capability. Whether its short or long term monitoring of SONET/SDH circuits, the module provides hierarchical SONET/SDH status information and detailed reporting of alarms at the section, line and path levels.
The OC-48/STM-16 SONET/SDH Test Module provides APS and Section/Path Trace monitoring and control.
HP / Agilent N1680A