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  • Keithley 169

    Keithley 169 Digital Multimeter

    Keithley 175

    Keithley 175 - 4.5 Digit Multimeter with datalogging. Battery option available.

    Keithley 175-AV

    Keithley 175-AV - 4.5 Digit Multimeter with datalogging. Battery option available.

    Keithley 181

    Keithley 181 Nanovoltmeter 6.5 Digit, 10nV Sensitivity with IEEE interface

    Keithley 182

    Keithley 182 - Sensitive digital voltmeter. 1 nV sensitivity. 6.5 digit with input leads.

    Keithley 182-M

    Keithley 182M Sensitive digital voltmeter. 1 nV sensitivity with testleads. 6.5 digit.

    Keithley 196

    Keithley 196 system DMM. 6.5 digit, GPIB.

    Keithley 197

    Keithley 197 Microvolt DMM. 5.5 digit, autoranging.

    Keithley 1978

    Keithley 1978 Rechargeable Battery option for model 580 Micro-Ohmmeter

    Keithley 197A

    Keithley model 197A Autoranging Microvolt DMM. 5.5 Digit.

    Keithley 199

    Keithley model 199 System DMM / Scanner. 5.5 Digit. 8-Channel Scanner module sold separately.

    Keithley 2000

    Keithley 2000 Mulitmeter. 6.5 Digit, High Performance.

    Keithley 2000-Scan

    Keithley 2000-Scan 10 Channel Scanner card for certain Keithley multimeters

    Keithley 2001

    Keithley 2001 Digital Multimeter 7-1/2-Digit. 2001M

    Keithley 2001-TCScan

    Keithley 2001-TCScan 9-channel, Thermocouple Scanner Card with built-in cold junction

    Keithley 2010

    Keithley 2010 - 7.5 digit low noise autoranging DMM

    Keithley 2015

    Keithley 2015 - Total Harmonic Distortion, 6-1/2-Digit DMM

    Keithley 220

    Keithley 230 Programmable Voltage Source. +/- 101 VDC Output

    Keithley 2200-20-5

    Keithley 2200-20-5 DC Power Supply. 20V, 5A, USB and IEE-488 programmable.

    Keithley 225

    Keithley 225 DC Current Source

    Keithley 227

    Keithley 227 1u A to 1A Constant Current Source with Adjustable Compliance Voltage

    Keithley 228

    Keithley 228 0 - 100V, 0 - 10A Programmable voltage / Current Source / Sink.

    Keithley 230

    Keithley 230 Programmable Voltage Source. +/- 101 VDC Output

    Keithley 2303

    Keithley 2303 - 1 - 15V, 3A / 0 - 9V, 5A High Speed DC Power Supply. Battery Simulator

    Keithley 2304A

    Keithley 2304A - High Speed Precision Readback Power Supply. 0-20V, 0-5A. 100W.

    Keithley 236

    Keithley 236 - Source Measure Unit I/V Source, I/V Measure.

    Keithley 237

    Keithley 237 - High Voltage Source Measure Unit I/V Source, I/V Measure.

    Keithley 2400-LV

    Keithley 2400-LV Sourcemeter Graphical SMU up to 20V / 20W. 6.5 digit resolution.

    Keithley 2410

    Keithley 2410 SMU High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument. 1000V, 1A, 20W

    Keithley 2450

    Keithley 2450 Sourcemeter Graphical SMU up to 200V / 20W. 10 fA / 10 nV resolution.

    Keithley 2510

    Keithley 2510 - TEC Sourcemeter. 50 Watt with DC Measurement Functions

    Keithley 2601A

    Keithley 2601A 3A DC / 10A Pulse, Single Channel Sourcemeter.

    Keithley 261

    Keithley 261 Picoampere Source

    Keithley 2612

    Keithley 2612 Dual Channel System Sourcemeter SMU up to 200V / 60W. 5.5 digit resolution.

    Keithley 2700

    Keithley 2700 - Multimeter / Data Aquisition System, 6.5 Digits, Inputs / Control Modules sold seperately.

    Keithley 2701

    Keithley 2701 - Multimeter / Data Aquisition System with Ethernet Interface, 6.5 Digits, Inputs / Control Modules sold seperately.

    Keithley 3500

    Keithley 3500 Portable RF Power Meter. 10 MHz to 6 GHz.

    Keithley 3706

    Keithley 3706 Six-slot system switch Data acquisition mainframe with high performance DMM. Modules sold separately,

    Keithley 3724

    Keithley 3724 Dual 1x30 FET Multiplexer Module for 3700/3700A Series Mainframes. Two 78-Pin Male D-Shell interface connectors.

    Keithley 480

    Keithley 480 Picoammeter. 3.5 digit / .1pA resolution.

    Keithley 485

    Keithley 485 Autoranging Picoammeter. 0.1 pA sensitivity 4.5 digit resolution

    Keithley 486

    Keithley 486 - Autoranging picoammeter. 5.5 digit 2na to 2ma current range, 10fa resolution.

    Keithley 487

    Keithley 487 - Picoammeter / Voltage Source

    Keithley 580

    Keithley 580 MicroOhmeter. 4.5 digit, high accuracy, resolution and sensitivity.

    Keithley 580

    Keithley 580 MicroOhmeter with optional IEEE-488 and Isolated analog out.

    Keithley 6485

    Keithley 6485 Picoammeter measures currents from 10fA to 20mA.

    Keithley 6514

    Keithley 6514 - Electrometer. Measures Current 100aA - 20mA, and Resistance 10mΩ - 200GΩ

    Keithley 6517

    Keithley 6517 - Electrometer / High Resistance system. Measure up to 10 E-18 ohms.

    Keithley 6517A

    Keithley 6517A Electrometer / High Resistance system. Measure up to 10 E-16 ohms.

    Keithley 6517B

    Keithley 6517B Electrometer / High Resistance system for Ultra-High Resistance/Ultra-Low Current Measurements.

    Keithley 7001

    Keithley 7001 80-Channel 2-Slot Switch/Control Mainframe

    Keithley 7012-S

    Keithley 7012-S 4×10, 2-Pole Matrix switching card for 7001 / 7002 mainframe with Screw Terminal Connector Board.

    Keithley 740 / 7402

    Keithley 740 System Scanning Thermometer with 7402 Scanner Card

    Keithley 7700

    Keithley 7700 20-channel, Differential Multiplexer Module with Automatic CJC, Screw Terminals, and up to 50MHz Bandwidth (for Models 2700, 2701, and 2750)

    Keithley 7701

    Keithley 7701 32-Channel Differential Multiplexer with D-Sub Connectors, IDC ribbon cable compatible.

    Keithley 7703

    Keithley 7703 High Speed Differential Multiplexer Module (for Models 2700, 2701, and 2750)

    Keithley 7706

    7706 All-in-One I/O Module: 20-Ch Diff Mux , 16 Digital Outputs, 2 Analog Outputs, & Counter/Totalizer (for Models 2700, 2701, and 2750)

    Keithley 7710

    7710 20-Channel Solid State/Long-Life Differential Multiplexer w/Automatic CJC

    Keithley 8009

    Keithley 8009 Resistivity Test Fixture. Guarded test fixture for measuring volume and surface resistivities.

    Keithley KUSB-488A

    Keithley KUSB-488A USB-to-GPIB Interface Converter