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  • Astro-Med Astro-DAQ

    Astro-Med Astro-DAQ - Portable 30 channel, 6-slot data acquisition system. Includes 4 GB hard disk upgrade plus three V08 (8 channel voltage input modules), and one EV16 (16 channel binary event input module).

    Astro-Med Astro-Graph

    Astro-Med Astro-Graph Printer chart recorder for Astro-DAQ.

    Astro-Med Dash 20HF

    Astromed Dash20HF 20-channel data recorder

    Astro-Med Dash 4

    Astro-Med Dash 4 - Four Channel portable strip chart recorder. AstroMed

    Astro-Med Dash 8

    Astro-Med Dash 8 - Eight Channel portable strip chart recorder. Dash-8 Dash8 Astromed

    Astro-Med Dash 8 ISO

    Astro-Med Dash 8 ISO - Eight Channel portable strip chart recorder Dash8ISO Dash-8ISO AstroMed

    Astro-Med Dash-32HF

    Astromed Dash32HF Data Recorder, 32 Non-Isolated Differential - 35 Vrms Channels. 100 kHz / Channel Analog Bandwidth

    Astro-Med DASH-8XE

    Astromed DASH8XE 8-channel data recorder with 8 IHV3 channels. Other configurations available on request.

    Astro-Med DASH10

    Astro-Med DASH 10 Chart Recorder, Ten Channel AstroMed

    Astro-Med DASH16U

    Astro Med Dash-16U AstroMed DASH16U 16 Channel Chart Recorder with both universal and isolated (banana) inputs

    Astro-Med DASH18

    Astro Med Dash-18 AstroMed DASH18 18 Channel Chart Recorder with both universal and isolated (banana) inputs

    Astro-Med Dash18x

    Astronova Astromed Dash18X Data Acquisition Recorder. 18 universal inputs. 17 inch touchscreen.

    Astro-Med DASH2 EZ

    Astromed DASH-2EZ Two Channel Chart Recorder.

    Astro-Med DASH2 EZ+

    Astromed DASH-2EZ Plus Two Channel Chart Recorder.

    Astro-Med DASH4U

    Astromed DASH4U Astro Med DASH 4U Four channel chart recorder with universal inputs

    Astro-Med DASH8N

    Astromed DASH8 Astro-Med DASH-8N Eight channel chart recorder with isolated (guarded banana) inputs

    Astro-Med DASH8U

    Astromed DASH8U 8 Channel chart recorder with universal inputs Astro Med DASH 8U

    Astro-Med MT95000

    Astro-Med MT95000 - Eight Channel Real Time Chart Recorder. Eight analog input channels and four TTL events, GPIB and RS-232 communication. Includes BA-80 buffered analog output option.

    Astro-Med SCR-8

    Astro-Med Dash SCR-8 - Strip chart recorder for use with Dash-8-XE and possibly other products.