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  • Bird 1000-WA-MFN-30

    Bird 1000-WA-MFN-30 Attenuator. DC to 2.4GHz, 1000W, 30 dB.

    Bird 100D

    Bird 100D Wattmeter Element 100 watts 200-500 MHz. Not sold separately.

    Bird 25-A-MFN-20

    Batch of two Bird 25-A-MFN-20 attenuators. 25 Watt, 20 dB attenuator. DC - 4 GHz.Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Bird 25-A-MFN-30

    Bird 25-A-MFN-30 attenuator. 25 Watt, 30 dB. DC - 4 GHz. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Bird 250A

    Bird 25E Wattmeter Element 250 watts 25-60 MHz. Not sold separately.

    Bird 250C

    Bird 250C Wattmeter Element 250 watts 100-250 MHz. Not sold separately.

    Bird 250E for sale Reduced!

    Bird 250E

    Bird 250E Wattmeter Element 250 watts 400-1000 MHz. Not sold separately.

    Bird 25E for sale Reduced!

    Bird 25E

    Bird 25E Wattmeter Element 25 watts 400-1000 MHz. Not sold separately.

    Bird 4022

    Bird 4022 Directional Power Sensor. 25-1000 MHz. 0.3-1000 Watts. Compatible with 4421, 4421A meters.

    Bird 43

    Bird model 43 Thruline Wattmeter with 10C slug. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Bird 43

    Bird 43, General Purpose Wattmeter. 450 kHz to 2.7 GHz and 100 mW to 10 KW depending on element (sold separately). Includes type N connectors.

    Bird 43

    Bird model 43 Thruline Wattmeter with 25C slug. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Bird 43

    Bird model 43 Thruline Wattmeter with 25C slug. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Bird 4391

    Bird model 4391 RF Power Analyst Wattmeter with three slugs. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Bird 4421

    Bird 4421-105 Multifunction RF Power Meter. Sensor sold separately.

    Bird 4421

    Bird 4421 Multifunction RF Power Meter. Sensor sold separately.

    Bird 4421

    Bird 4421-105 Multifunction RF Power Meter. Sensor sold separately.

    Bird 50-A-MFN-30

    Bird 50-A-MFN-30 attenuator. 30 dB, 50 Ohm, 3 GHz, 50 Watt. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Bird 50-T-FE

    Bird 50-T-FE dummy load 50 ohm, 50W, 7/16 connector. DC to 4 GHz. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Bird 500A for sale Reduced!

    Bird 500A

    Bird 500A Wattmeter Element 500 watts 25-60 MHz. Not sold separately.

    Bird 500E for sale Reduced!

    Bird 500E

    Bird 500E Wattmeter Element 500 watts 400-1000 MHz. Not sold separately.

    Bird 5A

    Bird 5A Wattmeter Element 5 watts 25-60 MHz. Not sold separately.

    Bird 5E

    Bird 5E Wattmeter Element 5 watts 400-1000 MHz. Not sold separately.

    Bird 600-T-QFN for sale Reduced!

    Bird 600-T-QFN

    Bird 600-T-QFN 600W 50 Ohm Dummy Load. DC to 2.4 GHZ. Type N.

    Bird 6734

    Bird Electronic model 6734 Termaline Wattmeter. 25-1000 MHz 500 Watts. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Bird 8141

    Bird 8141 Termaline Coaxial Resistor. 50 Ohm, 250W, DC-2.5 GHz.

    Bird 8201

    Bird 8201, 500 Watt, Oil-Cooled 50 Ohm Termination Dummy Load. DC to 2.5 GHz.

    Bird 8251N

    Bird 8251 1 kW, Oil-Cooled 50 Ohm Termination. DC to 2.4 GHz with optional LC connector / 1 GHz with supplied N connector.

    Bird AT-500

    Bird AT-500 2 - 520 MHz Antenna Analyzer. Includes optional soft carry case.

    Bird load batch

    Batch of 50 Ohm Dummy loads. Bird 25-T-FN and more. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Bird SA-2000A

    Bird SA-2000A 806 - 2000 MHz Site Analyzer Cable and Antenna Analyzer

    Bird SA-2500A

    Bird SA-2500A 780 - 2500 MHz Site Analyzer Cable and Antenna Analyzer SA2500A

    Bird SA-6000XT

    Bird SA-6000XT Site Analyzer, 25 MHz - 6 GHz Antenna Analyzer. Like Sitemaster.

    Bird SK-4500-TC

    Bird SK-4500-TC Sitehawk Analyzer. 1 MHz to 4.5 GHz Handheld Cable and Antenna Analyzer. Kit includes Calibration Standard, Hard Carry Case, Type N cable, and more.