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  • Hioki 3158

    Hioki 3158 AC Withstanding Voltage Tester. 0 to 2.5 kV / 0 to 5.0 kV AC, dual-range configuration, Up to 120 mA. 500 VA.

    Hioki 3196

    Hioki 3196 Power quality analyzer kit includes three model 9660 100A clamp on sensors.

    Hioki 3511

    Hioki 3511 LCR HiTESTER. 120 Hz / 1 kHz.

    Hioki 8811

    Hioki 8811 - Memory Hi Corder Chart Recorder. 3 Analog channels and 8 Logic channels.

    Hioki 8842

    Hioki 8842 Memory HiCorder chart recorder with eight 8936 analog input cards (two channels / card for 16 input channels).