Anritsu S332D / 21 / 29 Sitemaster Cable, Antenna, and Spectrum Analyzer. 25 MHz to 4 GHz (Spectrum 2 MHz to 3 GHz). Includes transmission measurement and power meter options.
Anritsu S332D 2/16/25 Sitemaster Cable, Antenna, and Spectrum Analyzer. Includes interference analyzer option and frequency extension options. 2 MHz to 6 GHz. 100 kHz to 3 GHz in Spectrum Analyzer mode.
Anritsu S332E Sitemaster Cable, Antenna, and Spectrum Analyzer: 2 MHz to 4 GHz. includes Two Port Measurement, Bias Tee. GPS Receiver, and High Accuracy Power Meter options
Anritsu S362E / 10 / 21 / 29 Sitemaster 2 MHz to 6 GHz Cable and Antenna Analyzer and 100 kHz to 6 GHz Spectrum Analyzer. Includes two port transmission, power meter, and bias tee options.