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  • Wiltron 62N50

    Anritsu Wiltron 62N50 VSWR Bridge. 10 MHz to 1000 MHz. 50 Ohm Type N.

    Wiltron 6647B

    Wiltron 6647B-40 Microwave Sweep Generator. 10 MHz to 20 GHz. High power output 40 mW minimum output level.

    Wiltron 6647M

    Wiltron 6647M 10 MHz to 20 GHz signal generator, same as 6647B with 110 dB step attenuator and GPIB.

    Wiltron 6659A

    Wiltron 6659A 10 MHz - 26.5 GHz Programmable Sweep Generator with option 03 - GPIB Interface

    Wiltron 6669B

    Wiltron 6669B 10 MHz to 40 GHz Sweep Generator. -7 to +11 dBm Range. Maximum power specified at least +4 dBm above 18 GHz

    Wiltron 6669M for sale Reduced!

    Wiltron 6669M

    Wiltron 6669M Military Version of 6669B 10 MHz to 40 GHz Sweep Generator. Includes 110 dB Step Attenuator & GPIB.

    Wiltron 6737B

    Wiltron 6737B-20 2 to 20 GHz Swept Frequency Synthesizer. +1 to +18 dBm (overrange- rated to +13)

    Wiltron 6740B

    Wiltron 6740B Swept Frequency Sythesizer, 26.5 - 40 GHz, 0 to +10 dBm, AM / FM Pulse Modulation Type K Output Connector

    Wiltron 6747B

    Wiltron 6747B-20 10 MHz to 20 GHz Swept Frequency Synthesizer. +1 to +18 dBm (overrange- rated to +13)

    Wiltron 6747B-20

    Wiltron 6747B-20 10 MHz to 20 GHz Swept Frequency Synthesizer with opt 02A 110 dB step attenuator.

    Wiltron MA2442A

    Wiltron MA2442A - High Accuracy Power Sensor. 10 MHz to 18GHz -67 to +20 dBm