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  • Slaughter 1259-3.0

    Slaughter 1259-3.0 60 Hz Hipot Tester 0 - 3 KV AC

    Slaughter 1305

    Slaughter 1305 AC hipot. 0-3 kV, 5 mA.

    Slaughter 1340

    Slaughter 1340 AC hipot. 0-2.5 kV, 40 mA (10 mA continuous in pulse mode).

    Slaughter 2503

    Slaughter 2503 DC hipot. 0-5 kV, 3 mA.

    Slaughter 2510

    Slaughter 2510 AC hipot. 0-5 kV, 10 mA.

    Slaughter 2512

    Slaughter 2512 AC Hipot 250VA / 2.5 kV / 100 mA.

    Slaughter 2515

    Slaughter 2515 AC Hipot 500VA / 5 kV / 100 mA.

    Slaughter 2550

    Slaughter 2550 AC/DC hipot. AC 0 – 5000 V, 10 mA, DC 0 – 5000 V, 3 mA

    Slaughter 2630

    Slaughter 2630 Ground Bond Tester. 30A.

    Slaughter 2660

    Slaughter 2660 Ground Bond Tester. 60A.

    Slaughter 2925

    Slaughter 2925 Hipot Tester. 5 KV, 12mA AC with ground continuity test.

    Slaughter 2935

    Slaughter 2935 AC/DC Hipot Tester. 5 KV, 12mA AC, 6KV, 5mA DC with ground continuity test. Includes option 01 and 03.

    Slaughter 2935

    Slaughter 2935 AC/DC Hipot Tester. 5 KV, 12mA AC, 6KV, 5mA DC with ground continuity test.

    Slaughter 294

    Slaughter SCI 294 6 kV @ 5 mA DC Hipot Tester, CE Listed with ground continuity function.

    Slaughter 2945

    Slaughter 2945 5 kV AC / 6 kV DC Hipot / Insulation Resistance Tester

    Slaughter 295

    SLAUGHTER SCI 295 AC Hipot Tester. 5 kV @ 12 mA. CE Listed with ground continuity check.

    Slaughter 2955

    Slaughter 2955 AC Hipot Tester. 5 KV, 12mA with ground continuity test.

    Slaughter 296

    SLAUGHTER SCI 296 AC / DC Hipot Tester. 5 kV @ 12 mA AC / 6 kV @ 5 mA DC. CE Listed with ground continuity check.

    Slaughter 2965

    Slaughter 2965 AC/DC Hipot Tester. 5 kV, 12mA AC, 6 kV, 5mA DC with ground continuity test.

    Slaughter 297

    SLAUGHTER SCI 297 AC / DC Hipot Tester with IR. 5 kV @ 12 mA AC / 6 kV @ 5 mA DC. Insulation Resistance and ground continuity check.

    Slaughter 2975

    Slaughter 2975 AC/DC/IR Hipot Tester. 5 kV, 12mA AC, 6 kV, 5mA DC with ground continuity test.

    Slaughter 4320

    Slaughter 4320 AC/DC Hipot with IR and Ground Bond. Includes RS-232 option. 5 kV @ 20 mAAC, 6 kV@ 5 mADC.

    Slaughter 4320

    Slaughter 4320 AC/DC Hipot with IR and Ground Bond. 5 kV @ 20 mA AC, 6 kV@ 5 mA DC.

    Slaughter 4520

    Slaughter 4520 AC/DC Hipot with IR and Ground Bond. 5 kV @ 100 mA AC, 6 kV@ 10 mA DC.

    Slaughter 6330

    Slaughter 6330 6-IN-1 Electrical Safety Tester - Tests AC and DC Hipot, Insulation Resistance, Ground Bond, Leakage Current plus Functional Run tests.

    Slaughter PSC Model 751

    PSC model 751 Automatic Production High Current Ground Impedance Tester. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Slaughter PSC-30D

    Slaughter / PSC 30D 0-25 / 30A Impedance Tester. Ground Bond.

    Slaughter TVB-1

    Slaughter SCI Ikonix TVB1 Test Verification Load Box