Operating wavelength: 1310 nm ± 20 nm
Masking: menu selectable
Full-screen display range: 50 m to 200 km
Laser safety: Class 1, 21 CFR 1040
Temperature: -10° to +55° C operating; -40° to +70° C non-operating
Humidity: Up to 90% relative humidity (+5, -0%)
Weight: 4.4 lbs (<2 kg)
Dimensions: 1.75 in (4.5 cm) by 5.5 in (14.0 cm) by 17.5 in (44.5 cm)
Dynamic range specifications are based on 32,000 averages. Actual averaging times depend on instrument settings. For 3 Sigma values, subtract 2.4 dB from SNR=1 values.
Dynamic range, SNR = 1 is the one-way difference between the extrapolated backscatter level at the start of the fiber and the RMS noise level.
Dynamic range, end detection is the one-way difference between the top of a 4% Fresnel reflection at the start of the fiber and the 3 Sigma (99.5%) level of the noise.
Dead zone, loss measurement is the minimum distance after any reflective event on the display to measure loss to within 0.5 dB of backscatter.
Dead zone, event (two-point spatial resolution) is the minimum distance after any reflection necessary to determine accurately the distance to another event (based on a minimum recover of 1.5 dB down from the top of the first reflection).
Please contact our sales department for more information.