SR760 and SR770 FFT Analyzers
The SR760 and SR770 are single-channel 100 kHz FFT spectrum analyzers with a dynamic range of 90 dB and a real-time bandwidth of 100 kHz. Additionally, the SR770 includes a low-distortion source which allows you to measure the transfer functions of electronic and mechanical systems. The speed and dynamic range of these instruments, coupled with their flexibility and many analysis modes, makes them the ideal choice for a variety of applications including acoustics, vibration, noise measurement and general electronic use.
High Dynamic Range
The SR760 and SR770 have a dynamic range of 90 dB. This means that for a full-scale input signal, the instruments have no spurious responses larger than -90 dBc (1 part in 30,000). Even signals as small as -114 dBc (1 part in 500,000) may be observed by using averaging. The low front-end noise and low harmonic distortion of the SR760 and SR770 allow you to see signals that would be buried in the noise of other analyzers.
Powerful Processing
The SR760 and SR770 use a pair of high-speed, 24-bit digital signal processors (DSPs) to filter, heterodyne and transform sampled data from its 16-bit analog-to-digital converter. This computing capability allows the analyzers to operate at a real-time bandwidth of 100 kHz. In other words, the SR760 and SR770 process the input signal with no dead time. Your measurements will be done in as little as a tenth of the time of other analyzers, which typically have a real-time bandwidth of about 10 kHz.
Easy To Use
The SR760 and SR770 are easy to use. The simple, menu-oriented interface logically groups related instrument functions. Context-sensitive help is available for all keys and menus, and entire instrument setups can be saved to disk and recalled with a single keystroke.
Spectrum Measurements
The spectrum, power spectral density, and input time record can be displayed in a variety of convenient linear and logarithmic units including Vp, Vrms, dBVp, dBVrms or user-defined engineering units (EUs). The magnitude, phase and real and imaginary parts of complex signals can all be displayed. Several window functions including Hanning, Flat-Top, Uniform and Blackman-Harris can be chosen to optimize in-band amplitude accuracy or minimize out-of-band side lobes.
Octave Measurements
The SR760 and SR770 also compute both the 15 and 30 band 1/3 octave spectra, commonly used in acoustics and noise measurement applications. A-weighting compensation is available for octave measurements. Amplitudes are computed for band -2 (630 mHz) through band 49 (80 kHz).
Triggering and Averaging
Flexible triggering and averaging modes let you see signals as low as 114 dB below full scale. RMS averaging provides an excellent estimate of the true signal and noise levels in the input signal, while vector averaging can be used with a triggered input signal to actually reduce the measured noise level. Both rms and vector averaging can be performed exponentially, where the analyzer computes a running average (weighting new data more heavily than older data), or linearly, where the analyzer computes an equally weighted average of a specified number of records. Triggering can be used to capture transient events or to preserve spectral phase information. Both internal and external triggering are available with adjustable pre-trigger and post-trigger delays.
Synthesized Source
The SR770 includes a low-distortion (-80 dB), synthesized source which can be used to make frequency response measurements. It generates single frequency sine waves, two-tone signals for intermodulation distortion (IMD) testing, pink and white noise for audio and electronic applications, and frequency chirp for transfer function analysis. This direct digital synthesis (DDS) source provides an output level from 100 µV to 1 V, and delivers up to 50 mA of current.
Stanford Research Systems / SRS SR760