When power quality matters, the AMX Series family of High Performance Linear AC Power Sources is the answer. The linear amplifiers within the AMX Series power sources are unmatched in their ability to produce the high crest factor, low-distortion, high fidelity output waveforms required by the most demanding AC Test Power applications. Stand-alone models range from 500 VA to 6 kVA. Larger chassis may be paralleled to create systems that range from 9 to 30 kVA. Offering both single and three phase models, units are conservatively designed with output power ratings are based on the most severe combination of input line, output voltage, power factor, and temperature.
Great emphasis has been placed on low acoustic noise, ease of installation, and safety. Control and operating features provide a high degree of application versatility and ease of use for the test engineer. Applications range from simple, manually controlled frequency conversion to power-line susceptibility testing and sophisticated bus programmable transient simulation.
The exceptionally broad bandwidth (50 kHz small signal), combined with low output impedance and high crest factor ratings give the AMX Series the ability to produce high quality, low distortion output power into the most dynamic loads.
IEEE-488.2 or RS-232C with SCPI compatibility Now compatible with UPC Studio graphical user interface LabVIEW for Windows®/LabWindows® drivers Waveform Creation by Harmonic Synthesis Graphical Analysis (Voltage and Current) Harmonic Analysis (Voltage and Current) Metering of RMS and Peak Values Continuous Self Calibration (CSC) Line Sync Option 6:1 Peak Current Capability Low Impedance for EN61000-3-2, 3 Testing Programmable Output Impedance Up to 0-300 VAC Direct Coupled Out 1 Phase / 3 Phase Switch Selectable 20-5000 Hz Full Power Bandwidth Power Levels from 500 VA to 12 kVA standard; 30kVA optional Externally Referenced Meter Calibration
Operation Manual (QR Link)
UPC Suite Software Disk (QR Link)
Output Cover (installed)
External Sense Cover (installed)