Model 482A22 is a four-channel, line-operated signal conditioner for ICP® transducer systems. This unit provides
constant current excitation to the built-in transducer amplifier and decouples the signal from the DC bias voltage.
The unit also contains provision for fault monitoring the channel, as well as provision for externally varying the constant
current output over a 2 to 20 mA range. This model is factory set at 4 mA.
Model 482A22 is powered externally by universal power supply model 488B04. The rear panel contains BNC jacks for
transducer signal INPUT and BNC jacks for signal OUTPUT connections.
The AC signal information is decoupled from the sensor bias by a coupling capacitor and brought out to the OUTPUT
The bias monitor consists of a color-coded front panel meter and a four position selector switch. The switch selects the
bias voltage at each channel and displays it on the front panel meter. See the sensor spec sheet for specific sensor bias
voltage and additional sensor information.
PCB Piezotronics 482A22