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Hipotronics CF30/15-8C

Hipotronics CF30/15-8C Cable Fault Locator / Thumper. DC proof tests up to 30 kV, 50 mA of burn current and up to 15 kV/900J of high energy capacitive discharge.
  • Hipotronics CF30/15-8C for sale
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  • Hipotronics CF30/15-8C for sale
  • Hipotronics CF30/15-8C for sale
$4695.00 Sorry, Out of Stock

Model: Hipotronics CF30/15-8C     Condition: Reconditioned

Features and Specifications

The Hipotronics Cable Fault Locator is a portable combination hipot tester, burner, and capacitor discharge fault locating unit (thumper) with completely self-contained high voltage facilities. The units contain a hipot and bum supply for cable proof tests and fault path burning. The thumper provides an energy discharge pulse that can be used to pinpoint power cable faults (ratings for each model covered in this manual are provided in Figure 1). This process can be simplified through the use of a Hipotronics Model M602 HV Radar device and a Model FD202C pick-up device. Each unit contains discharge resistors to bleed charged cables and provide safe, trouble-free operation.

Standard features of the Cable Fault Locators include:

  • Single high voltage output cable for all modes
  • Isolated and shielded return current path for maximum operator safety
  • Precise timed repetition rate
  • Zero start interlock and external interlock provisions
  • Input circuit breaker for overload protection
  • Fully rated discharge system for capacitor bank
  • Automatic and manual grounding systems (case and safety grounds)
  • Internal strip heater to prevent moisture condensation (CF70 Series only)
  • Face panel window for easy viewing of high voltage switch position.
User Manual (QR Link)
Power Cord (stored in top cover)
HV Output Cable (stored in top cover)
HV Return Cable (stored in top cover)
Ground Cable (stored in top cover)
Interlock Connector (attached to power cord)
Top Cover
Hand Truck (installed on unit)
Item Description
Biddle 651103 Biddle 651103 Accoustic Impulse Detector for Cable Thumpers
Megger MPP1002 Megger MPP1000 kit (dual probe version) pin points faults while the cable is being surged by a surge generator / thumper
Hipotronics 1150 Hipotronics 1150 Digital Time Domain Reflectometer TDR1150. DA21-1210
Radar Engineers 1669A Radar Engineers 1669 Arc Reflection Radar / TDR for use with Thumpers

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Hipotronics CF30/15-8C

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