The Halcyon 704A-430 is a hand-held transmission and signaling wideband test set optimized for installation and maintenance of analog voice band,program and wide- band data services including Class Services and circuits utilizing DID Signaling (E911).
Equipped with 1.5 MHz option, these units are ideally suited for ADSL,HDSL,ISDN,and DDS Facility Testing. Designed with state-of-the-art technology and engineered for ease of operation,the 704A-430 provides users with single-button test execution allowing quick circuit diagnosis and repair without extensive training.The internal NICAD battery pack provides up to 8-hours of continuous operation.Alternate 704A-NTS1 Universal Data Test Packages are available which include digital testing functions such as 4 wire DEMARC/DS0 DDS test functions,T1/FT1 and BRI-ISDN test capabilities.The rugged hand-held 704A-430 is the complete test solution for installation,facility qualification and maintenance of analog voice and data circuits.
Standard Options
Halcyon 704A-430