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HP / Agilent 8991A

Agilent HP 8991A Peak Power Analyzer. Includes opt 004 precision 50 MHz / 0 dBm reference. Sensors sold separately.
  • HP / Agilent 8991A for sale
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$1195.00 Sorry, Out of Stock

Model: HP / Agilent 8991A     Condition: Reconditioned


The Agilent 8991A peak power analyzer provides complete and accurate characterization of today's complex pulsed signals. It is capable of performing seven automatic timing measurements (rise time, fall time, pulse width, PRI, PRF, duty cycle, and delay) and five automatic power measurement (peak power, average power, pulse top/base amplitude, and overshoot) with push-button ease. Front-panel operation is intuitive and straightforward. Data entries can be typed in or made with the front panel knob; automatic measurements are made with simple keystroke. The 8990A offers two sensor channels plus two external triggering/oscilloscope channels, allowing the simultaneous measurement of modulating signals and detector power envelopes.

  • Amplitude and time markers for measuring power exactly where its needed
  • Two oscilloscope channels for measuring time delay between video and microwave pulse
  • Versatile triggering enables the capturing of exclusive glitches
  • Waveform math functions for measuring scalar pulse parameters
  • Dynamic Range: >45 dB
  • Minimum Pulse Width: 20 ns
  • Rise Time: <5 ns
  • Sensor and Video Inputs: 1 and 4; 2 and 3
Operation Manual (QR Link)
Power Cord
Item Description
HP / Agilent 84815A Agilent HP 84815A - Peak Power Sensor .02 - 18 GHz. -40 to +20 dBm.
HP / Agilent 84812A Agilent HP 84812A - Peak Power Sensor. 0.5-18 GHz. -40 to +20 dBm.
Item Description Price
HP / Agilent 84814A Agilent HP 84814A - Peak Power Sensor. 0.5 to 40 GHz. -40 to +20 dBm. $2395.00
HP / Agilent 8990A Agilent HP 8890A - Peak Power Analzyer. Option 001 deletes channel 4 input. Sensors sold separately. $1495.00
HP / Agilent 8990A Agilent HP 8990A - Peak Power Analyzer, Four channel (two sensor & two trigger) Sensors sold seperately. $1995.00
HP / Agilent 8992A HP Agilent 8992A Digital Video Power Analyzer $1695.00

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HP / Agilent 8991A

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