Agilent HP 71100C 2.9 GHz Spectrum Analyer with 70300A 20 Hz to 2.9 GHz Tracking Generator
The HP Agilent 71100C used spectrum analyzer operates from 100 Hz to 2.9 GHz. The 71100C synthesized performance offers very precise, high-speed tuning, with excellent frequency accuracy, amplitude accuracy, and repeatability.
As part of the Modular Measurement System (MMS) family, you can choose a configuration that best meets your requirements in performance, size, and price. Adding accessories such as a preamplifier or tracking generator is very easy.
For automated testing, the Agilent HP 70000 series of spectrum analyzers are compatible with the Agilent HP 8566B. Their proven reliability and repeatability of the 71100C allows a three-year calibration cycle, giving you a very low lifetime cost.
An Agilent 70300A RF tracking generator adds stimulus-response measurements to an Agilent 70000 series spectrum analyzer, enabling accurate characterization of gain, frequency response, isolation, and return loss. The wide dynamic range (>124 dB with 70300A and 71100C) makes accurate measurements of filter rejection and switch isolation without the need for time-consuming averaging.
The system has very high selectivity, with resolution bandwidths as narrow as 10 Hz. High selectivity allows measurements in the presence of other signals-a key advantage when measuring LO-to-RF isolation of a mixer or the return loss of an active antenna system. Unlike a point-by-point measurement system, the Agilent 70000 scalar system sweeps quickly and provides continuous data.
HP / Agilent 71100C w/ 70300A