The HP 11848A is the phase noise interface for the 3048A phase noise measurement system. The interface supports several measurement techniques for phase noise and AM noise measurements. Inside the interface are the phase detectors, amplifiers, filters, and switches for measuring phase noise over a frequency range of 5 MHz to 18 GHz. An input for an external phase detector outside that frequency range is also provided. The built-in sources allow the system to functionally check all of its signal handling circuits to ensure proper operation before measurements are made.
- The interface circuits contain
- Numerous signal-routing switches
- RF phase detector
- Optional microwave phase detector
- Various networks that process the phase detector output for voltage control of the input sources
- Various networks that process the noise for measurement by the spectrum analyzer
- Detectors that sense erroneous measurement conditions
- Four RF sources for system calibration verification
- Control circuits that interface with the controller via HP-IB
- Input frequency range with 3048A: 5 MHz to 1.6 GHz, Offset 0.01 Hz to 100 kHz
- Input amplitude ranges with 3048A:
- 5 MHz to 1.6 GHz: Left port +15 dBm to +23 dBm, right port 0 dBm to +23 dBm
- 1.2 GHz to 18 GHz (Option 201): Left port +7 dBm to +10 dBm, right port 0 dBm to +10 dBm
- Source output ports with 3048A
- 10 MHz A: Amplitude +15 dBm, tuning ±100 Hz
- 10 MHz B: Amplitude +6 dBm, tuning ±1 kHz
- 350-500 MHz: Amplitude +17 dBm, tuning ±20 MHz
- 400 MHz: Amplitude -5 dBm, tuning fixed
Includes Options:
- Option 201: Add high frequency phase detector. This option adds a 1.2 to 18 GHz phase detector to the interface, extending the range of carrier frequencies that can be demodulated within the interface without external down conversion by the system
Operation Manual
Service Manual
Power Cord
50 Ohm Termination
N to BNC Adapter (Qty 3)
BNC Cable (Qty 2)