GUILDLINE INSTRUMENTS 6623 DCC BRIDGE RANGE EXTENDER is a high current adapter, including an integral reversing switch, designed specifically for use with the 6675A or 9975 Direct Current Comparator bridges. The 6623 allows currents of up to 100 Amperes to pass through the resistor under test, and extends the measurement range of the 6675A down to 1 µΩ.
The 6623 Range Extender is a dc transformer with three primary windings. The three windings divide the input current by a ratio of 10:1, 100:1, and 1000:1. The internal high current reversing relay allows measurements to be made with greatly reduced effects from thermal EMFS. This is made possible by reversing all four connections to the resistors under test. The switching frequency is controlled from the 6675A.
Guildline 6623