The M>S2668C is a portable, high-performance spectrum analyzer that has various radio evaluation functions for evaluating microwave/millimeter wave devices and systems for the wireless communications market. In recent years in this market, microwave/millimeter wave band frequencies have been investigated to realise high-speed and large-capacity data communications capabilities. Local-to-multipoint-distribution systems (LMDS), multimedia-mobile-access-communication systems (MMAC) and high-speed wireless LAN are typical applications. To realise the collision avoidance of vehicles in the intelligent transport systems (ITS) market, millimeter wave band radar has been investigated. The M>S2668C can be an extremely useful tool for assisting in these investigations.
Frequency counter with 1 Hz resolution, adjacent channel power measurements, occupied frequency bandwidth measurement,time template pass/fail function, two-screen display, zone sweep, multi-zone sweep function, user-defined functions, etc.
Narrow resolution bandwidth, (30 Hz to 300 Hz), narrow resolution bandwidth(10 Hz to 300 Hz), high-speed time domain sweep, trigger/gate circuit, AM/FM demodulator (sound monitor), centronics interface, sweep signal output.
Features & Benefits
Anritsu MS2668C