Bulk Call Generator - Analog Basic Unit Multiple port, programmable, telephone call generator/call terminator with coincident recording of attempts, average dial-tone delay, dial tone delays, no dial tones, no rings, no confirmation tones, average post-dial delay, completions and run time data.
- Construction: Modular, plug-in printed circuit boards.
- Capacity: From 1 to 30 Originate and Terminate Ports ( maximum capacity 450 Originate and 450 Terminate ports when chaining multiple sets).
Originate Ports
- Types: Loop start, ground start, and 2 and 4-wire E&M.
- Impedance: 900 Ohms AC (1200 Ohms DC loop resistance simulated) or 600 Ohms AC (600 Ohms DC loop resistance simulated).
- Signaling: Dial pulse; multi-frequency (MF); and dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF / Touch Tone), with either shared tone generator or (for loop/ground start Line Cards) with individual Line Card tone generators.
Terminate Ports
- Types: Loop start (1 R.E.N.), and 2 and 4-wire E&M.
- Incoming Call Detect: Senses ringing (or equivalent) energy and trips ringing (shorts loop with 1200 ohms DC, 600 ohms optionally, impedance for loop ports). E&M ports perform programmed wink/delay sequence before answering.
Data Collection
Registers: There are ten (10) data collection registers for each line as listed below:
- Attempts
- Average Dial-Tone Delay
- Dial Tone Delay
- No Dial Tone
- No Ring
- No Tone
- Average Post-Dial Delay
- Completions
- Run Time
- Terminations
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