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Agilent / Keysight N5181A

Keysight Agilent N5181A opt 506, UNT, UNW. MXG RF Analog Signal Generator, 100 kHz to 6 GHz
  • Agilent / Keysight N5181A for sale
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$6995.00 In Stock! 

Model: Agilent / Keysight N5181A     Condition: Reconditioned

Includes options:

  • UNT  -   AM, FM, φM
  • 506  -   6 GHz upper frequency
  • UNW  -  Narrow pulse modulati


  • Generate accurate and repeatable reference signals for R&D to the production line with high reliability and power
  • Increase throughput with fast switching options
  • Configure to meet your specific test needs with scalable performance

Performance optimized for manufacturing

  • Fast switching speeds
  • Industry-best ACPR
  • Simplified self-maintenance
  • Signal Studio software

Keysight Technologies MXG Signal Generators Making an Impact in Manufacturing

Demands on the production line for communications systems, receivers and components continue to intensify. Keysight Technologies, Inc. MXG signal generators have been optimized specifically to meet the challenges facing manufacturers —throughput, yield, and downtime.

Increasing throughput

With fast switching speeds, Keysight MXG signal generators reduce test time, letting you make more measurements using fewer resources and capital.

Raising test yield

For out-of-channel measurements such as ACPR, the Keysight MXG vector signal generator offers the industry’s best dynamic range, reducing error contribution from the stimulus and ultimately improving test margins and yield.

Reducing downtime

Keysight MXG signal generators are made to maximize up-time through reliability and simplified self-maintenance. Starting from a simple design for dependable performance to cost- and time-effective tools for easy onsite maintenance, Keysight MXG is an ideal solution for manufacturers working in today’s highly cost sensitive communications industry.

Fastest switching

  • ≤ 1.2 ms in SCPI mode for increased throughput

Superior ACPR

  • –76 dBc adjacent channel power levels1 for testing high dynamic range components

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Agilent / Keysight N5181A

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