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Agilent / HP 4275A

Agilent HP 4275A / 002 - Multifrequency LCR Meter. 10 kHz up to 10 MHz. Measures C, L, R, |Z|, D, Q, ESR, G, X, B, phase. Includes Internal 0-99V DC Bias Control.
  • Agilent / HP 4275A for sale
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$1495.00 Sorry, Out of Stock

Model: Agilent / HP 4275A     Condition: Used

The HP 4275A multi-frequency LCR meter is a high performance, fully automatic test instrument designed to measure the various component measurement parameter values of an impedance element in the relatively high frequency region. The 4275A measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), resistance (R), dissipation factor (D), quality factor (Q), conductance (G), susceptance (B), reactance (X), and in addition, the absolute value of the vector impedance (|Z|) and phase angle, over a wide range with high accuracy and speed. The wide range measurement capabilities of the 4275A are enhanced by the 12 spot test frequencies selectable from 10 kHz up to 10 MHz in a 1-2-4-10 sequence, including two optional frequencies.

The test signal can be flexibly set at the desired amplitude within the range of 1 mV to 1 Vrms by front panel controls. The multi-spot test frequency and test level control functions featured in the 4275A permit measuring the device to be tested under the practical test conditions at which it actually operates. When it is necessary to test a component for its specified performance, the 4275A can take measurements under normal operating test conditions. Thus, the 4275A is a truly versatile instrument that can respond to the diverse measurement requirements in research, circuit design, production testing, and QA inspection areas.

Another advantage of the variable test signal capability is that it becomes easy to measure non-linear impedance elements whose parameters are strongly dependent on their operating conditions, such as inductors and semiconductor devices.

Together, the 4274A and 4275A LCR meters comprise a stand-alone precision LCR measuring system that covers the frequency range of 100 Hz to 10 MHz with a basic accuracy of 0.1%.

For all measurement, a choice of the desired test parameters in flexible combinations is enabled. A built-in multimeter displays test frequency setting, or alternatively, the test signal voltage or current for monitoring test signal level applied to the DUT.

  • Parameters measured: C, L, R, |Z|, D, Q, ESR, G, X, B, phase. Deviation and percent deviation for C, L, R, |Z|
  • Measurement circuit modes: Auto, series, parallel, with parameter combinations in series and parallel modes
  • Display
    • Normal mode: 4-1/2 digit, count 19999
    • High resolution mode: 5-1/2 digit, count 199999
  • Auto and manual range modes
  • Measurement frequencies: 10 kHz - to 10 MHz
  • Measurement terminals: Four terminal pair configuration with guard terminal
  • Test signal level: 1 mV to 1 Vrms, continuously variable in 3 ranges
  • Deviation measurement: When REF VALUE STORE button is pressed, the existing measured value is stored as a reference value. Next, pressing Deviation or Percent Deviation button offsets displayed value to zero. Deviation is displayed as the difference between the referenced value and subsequent result
  • Measurement terminals: Four terminal pair configuration with guard terminal
  • Offset adjustment for the compensation of stray capacitance, residual inductance, resistance, and conductance
  • Self test
  • DC bias: Two external DC input connectors on rear panel
  • DC bias monitor: Bias voltage monitor ouput for both internal and external biases, BNC connector
  • Trigger: Internal, external, or manual
Users Manual (QR Code)
Service Manual (QR Link)
Power Cord
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Agilent / HP 4275A

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