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  • Lecroy 24Xs

    Lecroy WaveSurfer 24Xs Oscilloscope. 200 MHz, 4-Channel, 2.5 GS/s. Includes Advanced Trigger Package and Extended Math Package

    Lecroy 24Xs

    Lecroy WaveSurfer 24Xs Oscilloscope. 200 MHz, 4-Channel, 2.5 GS/s. Includes option VL 10 Mpts/Ch Memory.

    Lecroy 3082

    Teledyne Lecroy WaveStation 3082. 80 MHz, 2-channel 14bit 500MS/s Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator

    Lecroy 44Xi

    Lecroy WaveRunner 44Xi Oscilloscope. 400 MHz, 4-Channel, 5 GS/s.

    Lecroy 9100/CP

    Lecroy 9100/CP - Keypad accessory allows local control of 91xx function generators.

    Lecroy 9109

    Lecroy 9109 - Dual channel arbitrary function generator with handheld controlpad option (9100/CP). Includes standard function generator functions such as sine, square, triangle, ramp up to 25 MHz (100 MHz in square function). Also includes 512 kb memory expansion opt

    Lecroy 9112 for sale Clearance Priced!

    Lecroy 9112

    LeCroy 9112 Dual channel arbitrary function generator. High resolution .01-6.25 MHz, 50 Mword/sec.
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $95.00 was $495.00

    Lecroy 9354AM

    LeCory 9354AM 500 MHz / 4 Channel Digital Oscilloscope. 2 GS/S (single channel), 1 MB channel memory.

    Lecroy 9384TM

    LeCory 9384TM 1GHz / 4 Channel Digital Oscilloscope

    Lecroy ADP305

    LeCroy ADP305 1,400 V, 100 MHz High-Voltage Differential Probe.

    Lecroy CP015

    Lecroy CP015 Current Probe. DC to 50 MHz / 15A. CPO15

    Lecroy CP150

    Teledyne LeCroy CP150, 150 A, 10 MHz Current Probe - AC/DC, 500A Peak, 200mA/div

    Lecroy DA1855A

    Lecroy DA1855A High performance 100 MHz Differential Amplifier. Probus interface cable sold separately.

    Lecroy DXC 100A

    Lecroy DXC 100A (DXC100A) - Passive 250 MHz Differential Probe Pair.

    Lecroy LA314H

    Lecroy LA314H - Analog Oscilloscope, Analog, 470 MHz Bandwidth, Four Channel

    Lecroy LC574A

    Lecroy LC574A Four Channel DC-1GHz Digital Oscillocope. 4GS/s 500 kpt, color display.

    Lecroy LC584AM

    Lecroy LC584AM - Digital Oscilloscope 4 Channel, 1 GHz, 8 Gs/S. Color Display.

    Lecroy LC584AXL

    Lecroy LC584AXL - Digital Oscilloscope 4 Channel, 1 GHz, 8 Gs/S. Color Display.

    Lecroy LT322

    Lecroy LT322 - Waverunner Digitial Storage Oscilloscope 500 MHz, two channel w/ analog persistence.

    Lecroy LT342

    Lecroy LT342 - Waverunner Digital Storage Oscilloscope two channel, 500 MHz, 500 MS/s

    Lecroy LT342L

    Lecroy LT342L - Waverunner Digital Storage Oscilloscope two channel, 500 MHz, 500 MS/s

    Lecroy LT344

    LeCroy LT344 Waverunner Digital Storage Oscilloscope Four Channel, 500 MHz, 500 MS/s

    Lecroy Probus interface cable

    Probus interface cable for DA1855A. Only sold with DA1855A.

    Lecroy Quantumdata 980

    Teledyne Lecroy Quantumdata 980 Gen 3 HDMI Protocol Analyzer

    Lecroy T3EL50015P

    Lecroy T3EL50015P DC Electronic Load. 2.5-500V / 0-15A / 300W

    Lecroy Wavesurfer 424

    Lecroy Wavesurfer 424 WS424 oscilloscope. 200 MHz, four channel, 2 GS/s. Includes memory option L and Mathsurf.

    Lecroy Wavesurfer 454

    Lecroy Wavesurfer 454 WS454 oscilloscope. 500 MHz, four channel, 2 GS/s. Includes memory option L and Mathsurf.