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Riser Bond

  • Riser Bond 1205

    RiserBond Metallic TDR Cable Fault Locator. 0 - 40,000 ft. Includes optional pulse widths. Rugged for outside plant use. Tests coax or twisted pair.

    Riser Bond 1205C

    RiserBond 1205C - Metallic TDR Cable Fault Locator. Optimized for CATV / coaxial cable testing.

    Riser Bond 1205CX

    RiserBond 1205-CX Meatllic TDR Cable Fault Locator. Optomized for CATV/Coaxial cable testing

    Riser Bond 1205CXA

    RiserBond 1205CX-A Metallic TDR Cable Fault Locator. Optimized for CATV / coaxial cable testing. 1205 CXA

    Riser Bond 1205T-OSP

    RiserBond 1205 T-OSP Metallic TDR Cable Fault Locator. Rugged for outside plant use. Tests two pairs simultaneously. Easy one button testing. Riser Bond 1205TOSP

    Riser Bond 1205TX-OSP

    RiserBond 1205 TX-OSP Metallic TDR Cable Fault Locator. Rugged for outside plant use. Tests two pairs simultaneously. Easy one button testing.

    Riser Bond 1220

    RiserBond model 1220 Metallic TDR (Time Domain Reflectometer). Coaxial BNC output convenient for CATV applications. Built in chart recorder.

    Riser Bond 1270

    RiserBond 1270 Metallic TDR Cable Fault Locator optimized for both COAX and twisted pair testing.

    Riser Bond 1270A

    RiserBond 1270A Metallic TDR Cable Fault Locator optimized for both COAX and twisted pair testing.

    Riser Bond 1550

    RiserBond 1550 handheld metallic TDR.

    Riser Bond 3200

    RiserBond 3200 - Coaxial Metallic Time Domain Reflectometer. Optimized for CATV.

    Riser Bond 3300

    RiserBond 3300 Metallic TDR with dual input, intermittent fault detection & more. Eight distance ranges from 20 to 5000 feet. Overstock Special. Normally $695

    Riser Bond 6000

    RiserBond Multifunction TDR / Fault Finder with Diagnostic Functions for POTS lines.

    Riser Bond 6000DSL

    RiserBond 6000 DSL Multifunction TDR / Fault Finder with Diagnostic Functions for POTS, ISDN, & DSL

    Riser Bond Model 3000

    Riserbond 3000 coaxial metallic TDR Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Riser Bond RD6000

    RiserBond Multifunction TDR / Fault Finder with Diagnostic Functions for POTS lines.