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  • Weinschel 138-645-1

    Weinschel Tegam 138-645-1 30 dB attenuator. Type N, DC-18 GHz. 2W.

    Weinschel 1404GPA

    Batch of five Weinschel 1404GPA 50 Ohm Termination. APC-7. DC-18 GHZ. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Weinschel 1506A

    Weinschel model 1506A Broadband Resistive Power Divider. 1 Watt. Precision N Connectors. DC to 18 GHz.

    Weinschel 150T-11

    Aeroflex API Weinschel 150T-11 Programmable Step Attenuator. DC-18 GHz. 0-11 dB. 1 dB/Step. 3.5 mm connectors. 12V drive.

    Weinschel 150T-70

    Aeroflex API Weinschel 150T-70 Programmable Step Attenuator. DC-18 GHz. 0-70 dB. 10 dB/Step. 3.5 mm connectors. 12V drive.

    Weinschel 18 GHz attenuators

    Batch of 8 Weinschel 18 GHz fixed RF Attenuators. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Weinschel 1805A

    Tegam Weinschel 1805A RF Control Unit. Part of System II

    Weinschel 1870A

    Weinschel Aeroflex Model 1870A dc to 18.0 GHz Broadband Resistive Power Splitter. 1 Watt. Matching, Precision Type N Connectors.

    Weinschel 8210A-1

    Aeroflex API Weinschel 8210A-1 GPIB Attenuator / Switch Controller. Designed to interface with Weinschel's line of intelligent programmable attenuators and other electromechanical devices. Includes AC adapter and ribbon cable.

    Weinschel 953-LS

    Weinschel 953-LS, 0-5 dB variable slide attenuator. Type N connector. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Weinschel AF 9011-90-31

    Weinschel AF 9011-90-31 attenuator. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Weinschel batch attenuators

    Batch of 7 SMA 18 GHz RF Attenuators. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Weinschel batch of attenuators

    Batch of 5 RF Attenuators. JFW 50DR-061 step attenuator plus four Weinschel fixed attenuators. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Weinschel batch of power attenuators

    Batch of 4 Weinschel High Power RF Attenuators. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Weinschel Model 64A

    Weinschel model 64A RF Attenuator. 0-64 dB in 1 dB steps. DC- 2 GHz. 0.1 W Max. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Weinschel Model 70

    Weinschel model 70 4 Watt RF Attenuator. 0-60 dB in 1 dB steps. DC- 1 GHz. Bargain Basement terms apply - see full description.

    Weinschel VM-24

    Weinschel VM-24 - 10 MHz to 18 GHz Signal generator calibrator

    Weinschel VM-7

    Weinschel Tegam VM7 Advanced 30 MHz Receiver, attenuator calibrator.