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  • Topward 33010D

    Topward 33010D DC Power supply. 0-30V, 10A, 300W. digital meters.

    Topward 3302D

    Topward 3303D 0-30 V / 2 A DC Power Supply with Digital Meters

    Topward 3303D

    Topward 3303D 0-30 V / 3 A DC Power Supply with Digital Meters

    Topward 3306D

    Topward 3306D 0-30 V / 6 A DC Power Supply with Digital Meters

    Topward 3603D

    Topward 3603D 3603D 0-60 V / 3 A DC Power Supply with Digital Meters

    Topward 6302A for sale Clearance Priced!

    Topward 6302A

    Topward 6302A Dual Tracking DC Power Supply, (2x) 0 - 30V, 0 - 2A plus fixed 5V, 5A.
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $149.00 was $295.00

    Topward 6303A

    Topward 6303A Dual Tracking DC Power Supply, (2x) 0 - 30V, 0 - 3A plus fixed 5V, 5A.

    Topward 6303D

    Topward 6303D Dual Tracking DC Power Supply, (2x) 0 - 30V, 0 - 3A plus fixed 5V, 5A.

    Topward 6603A

    Topward 6603A Dual Tracking DC Power Supply, (2x) 0 - 60V, 0 - 3A plus fixed 5V, 5A.

    Topward 6603D

    Topward 6603D Dual 0-60V, 3A and single fixed 5V, 5A Triple Output DC Power Supply