Lambda EMI Baker BTA-ESS3-10-1000-11-D-0912 DC Power Supply. 0-10V, 0-1000A, 10KW. Digital meters. Requires 432-528 VAC Three Phase Input Power ESS 10-1000
Lambda EMI ESS80-185-D DC Power Supply. 0-80V, 0-185A, 15KW. Digital meters. Requires 190-250 VAC Three Phase Input Power ESS 80-185. Isol programming available.
EMI SCR 20-250 - DC Power Supply 0 - 20V, 0 - 250A "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories. Please contact sales for specifics."
EMI SCR 20-40 DC Power Supply 0 - 20V, 0 - 40A "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories. Please contact sales for specifics."
EMI SCR 7.5-60 DC Power Supply 0 - 7.5V, 0 - 60A "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories. Please contact sales for specifics."