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  • Ando AP-9851

    Ando AP-9851 PCM Jitter Modlation Oscillator AP9851. AKA Yokogawa.

    Ando AQ-1338 for sale Clearance Priced!

    Ando AQ-1338

    Ando AQ1338 LD Stabllized Light Source
    "Inventory Clearance Items are being sold at or below cost to clear out older inventory. Items being sold for clearance may not be completely reconditioned or may not include all standard accessories.
    Please contact sales for specifics."
    Clearance Price $135.00 was $295.00

    Ando AQ-3105A

    Ando AQ3105A - Optical Variable Attenuator. 1310 / 1550 nM. 0-65 dB attenuation. FC Connectors.

    Ando AQ-7155

    Ando AQ7155 Mini Handheld OTDR 1.31& 1.55 UM Singlemode

    Ando AQ4320D

    Ando AQ4320D Tunable Laser Source 1520-1620nM. +7 dB Output Level.

    Ando AQ6317

    Ando AQ6317 Optical Spectrum Analyzer. 600 to 1750 nm. High Resolutions and Accuracy

    Ando AQ6330

    Ando AQ6330 Compact Full Featured Portable Optical Spectrum Analyzer. 1200-1700 nM

    Ando AQ6331

    Yokogawa Ando AQ6331 Portable Optical Spectrum Analyzer. 1200-1700nM wavelength. High Performance in a compact package. 50 GHz DWDM capable.