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  • Schaffner 402-579

    Schaffner 402-579 Optional Preselector Counter Power Supply for NSG432. Not Sold Seperately.

    Schaffner 402-743

    Schaffner 402-743 Optional plug-in network for NSG432. Positive output, 25 kV max. 250 pF, 1.5 kOhm network.

    Schaffner 402-891

    Schaffner 402-891 Optional plug-in network for NSG432. Negative output, 25 kV max. 250 pF, 1.5 kOhm network.

    Schaffner NSG431

    Schaffner NSG-431 Electrostatic Discharge Simulator

    Schaffner NSG432

    Schaffner NSG432 25KV Static Discharge Simulator with + and - Polarity 330 ohm 150 pF Networks.

    Schaffner NSG432

    Schaffner NSG432 402-645 25 KV Static Discharge Simulator with Negative Polarity 330 ohm 150 pF Network.

    Schaffner NSG432

    Schaffner NSG432 25KV Static Discharge Simulator with Positive Polarity 330 ohm 150 pF Network.

    Schaffner NSG435 for sale Reduced!

    Schaffner NSG435

    Schaffner Teseq NSG 435 ESD Simulator. 200 V to 16.5 kV

    Schaffner NSG438

    Schaffner Teseq NSG 438 High End ESD simulator up to 30 KV with extras.

    Schaffner NSG43X ADAPTER SET

    Schaffner NSG43X Includes the optional H Field Adapter and Adjustable Spark Gap for NSG432. Not for Sale Seperately.

    Schaffner NSGX CDA

    Schaffner NSG 43X CDA Contact Discharge Adapter for NSG432. Not Sold Seperately.